Fangirl Stuff- Jokes

443 21 93

Hey guys! I've been gone for a LONG time, I know. Sorrys. Enjoy!


My two deepest fears:

Me dying before I finish a series.

The author dying before the series finishes.


Being torn between

Reading fanfiction

Or watching youtube

Or googling random funny #relatable fandom nonsense


There are only really 5 types of people, those who call him Wayland, those who call him Morgenstern, those who call him Lightwood, those who call him Herondale, and those who have no idea what I'm talking about.


"Why are you sitting in the dark with your computer?"

Excuse you I've been sitting here all day it got dark around me I did not choose this.


You know you're deep in a fandom when your phone stops autocorrecting things from it

Worse yet, when it starts autocorrecting things into caps


Idiot: only losers read

Me: It's like your begging me to hate you


To hunt for our boyfriends, we need

Blue everything



Sugar cubes

Mangoes and Tomato soup


Reading silently: fluent and fast and easy

Reads Aloud: *chokes on spit*


Those two problems


I read the entire series so fast I can't tell which events belong to which book


I've read so much fanfiction for this series I can't tell what is fanfic and what is actually in the books


Other girls care about looks,

I care about books

I'm a poet

And I didn't even know it


Thanks for reading! :D

-Blue Raven

Signing off

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