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We had finished at the cafe and all decided to come back to mine and Yuggie's apartment and we was just deciding what food to have since we were all super hungry.

JB and Youngjae didn't care what we ordered, as long as it was food. Mark, BamBam and Jinyoung wanted pizza and the rest of us wanted ramen. Just as we were deciding -since it was 3:3 for pizza or ramen- Alek walked back into the he apartment.

"YAKOV! YOU CAN DECIDE!" I shouted running up to him and shaking his arm repeatedly.

"Woah wait decide what?" He questioned.

"What we're going to have for dinner." I explained.

"Clearly ramen duh?" He stated without me even giving him the options.

"YAY! There it's settled." I said jumping back on the sofa next to Yuggie. Jinyoung offered to cook all the ramen for us since he was the best chef here.

"Ava?" Mark struck up a conversation, everyone else was sat murmuring in the own conversations.

"Yes?" I nodded.

"Tell us more about yourself?! Like your family and upbringing. You mentioned you used to live here but moved to England right?" He continued, at this point everyone else had stopped their separate talks to listen to my reply.

"Right, I did. Well, I was born in Russia for starters. My father is Russian and my mother is Chinese so I can speak both the languages, I can also speak Korean, English and Spanish. Erm..I have 2 younger brothers, Oleg and Misha who are 15 years old an-" I was cut off by Alek who was walking back into the living room from his bedroom.

"You also have an amazing OLDER brother too. Don't forget that." He smiled.

"You're older by 35 minutes!!" I pouted.

"Wait you two are twins?" JB questioned.

"Yes" Alek and I said in sync. We always did stuff like this, twin-telepathy I guess.

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted" I glared at Alek jokingly. He stuck his tongue out at me and sat on the floor near Youngjae.

"I moved to Korea from Russia when I was 6, then when I was 10 my father passed away and my lovely mother tried her best but she couldn't afford to live here anymore after a year, so when I was 11 we moved to England since it's cheaper there. I lived there for a while until I was about 16 when I moved to Korea for 1 year to be a trainee, but things got hard for my mother looking after my brothers on her own so I had to quit and moved back and here I am. I've finished college, where I studied dance and music, and now I'm in Korea again." I took a large breath since I had been talking so much, especially after telling them about my dad, I never gave myself time to grieve so anytime I mentioned him I got a little teary eyed and I really didn't want to cry in front of these guys just yet.

"Wow, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. Also, how come we never saw you when you was a trainee?" Mark began.

"It's fine and when I wasn't practicing I was in my room, and when I wasn't in my room I was practicing. I never made friends apart from 1 girl, but that's it. I didn't feel like being sociable really, you know...teenage angst and what not." I looked down remembering the feeling. I felt a familiar hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Yugyeom smiling brightly at me.

"Well I saw her dance and sing a few times, and she was the hardest working trainee I have ever seen. I'm still proud of her for that." he grinned, I smiled back as he pulled me into a hug.

"You should sing for us now!!" JB suggested, his eyes lit up.

"No no, I don't really sing anymore. Only in the shower." Suddenly, Jinyoung called out saying the food was ready and we all raced to get some delicious ramen.

Once we had all finished eating, we all was chatting in the living room wondering what movie we should watch.

"I wanna watch a musical!" I beamed. Musicals were my favourite movie.

"No horror!!" Jackson shouted. Damn he is loud. Mark, Jinyoung, Yugyeom and JB all agreed. Youngjae and BamBam had already dozed off by now and Alek was kindly washing up.

"Fine" I sulked. Jackson picked the movie from the selection we had on Netflix and Yugyeom wrapped a blanket around him and I.

I leaned in to his torso as he wrapped his arm around me. He knew I would be terrified because of the movie.

After about 40 minutes, nearly everyone had fallen asleep apart from me and JB. I slipped out of Yugyeom's arms to get a drink from the fridge.

I opened the fridge to grab a bottle of strawberry milk and looked in the cupboard for something sweet to eat. I opened a little one right in the corner of the kitchen and I was surprised to find at least 15 bags of skittles, Yuggie must've bought me them knowing I loved them.

I struggled to reach a bag as I'm pretty short when I suddenly felt a figure come behind me and saw an arm reach and grab a bag, I turned around to see JB holding the bag out.

"Here you go." He smiled.

"Thank you" I blushed. "Do you want a drink?" I asked holding out my strawberry milk. He accepted and I went back to the fridge to grab another one for myself.

"How come you're still awake?" He whispered.

"I've always stayed up late, just can never sleep really." I replied.

"I'm the same. Why don't we use this as a chance to get to know each other?" JB questioned.

"Yes of course! But not here I don't wanna wake anyone up, especially Yuggie he can be very grumpy when he's tired. Lets go to my room." I said grabbing his hand and leading the boy to my bedroom, shutting the door behind us.

"So you already know quite a bit about me, you go first." I said as I sat on the bed.

"Erm...okay. Where do I begin?" He started whilst joining me on the bed. "Well I'm an only child, I have always lived in Korea. I'm 24, 5'10 and I've been a trainee since 2009."

We continued to talk for the rest of the night, just learning about one another whilst drinking our strawberry milk and munching on skittles - of course I only had the strawberry ones.

[A/N] so there's another chapter done yay! i've also started another book called 'ocean' so please be sure to check it out and vote! thank you

strawberry skittles ~ got7 fanfic ~ COMPLETED ~Where stories live. Discover now