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I stepped outside of Incheon International airport, and I noticed how much colder it was outside and trust me to have packed all my hoodies inside my suitcases.

I moved to the side of the doors to stop blocking people from exiting them and I began to look around for Yuggie.

He is my dear old friend who I used to live close to when I was a child living in Korea, we was best friends from the age of 6 until i moved to England when I was 11.

We still managed to keep in contact this entire time and now he was now my roommate along with my brother Alek.

He had kindly offered to collect me from the airport as I had no idea how to get to the apartment.

'I wonder where the hell he is?' I thought to myself, just as I had finished that thought I heard my name being shouted just a few feet away from me.

I turned to look and there he was, Kim Yugyeom, he had grown so much since I last saw him and he had definitely been hit by puberty like a truck. I had missed him so much.

He was waving his arms and shouting my name like a mad man, I quickly shouted "YUGGIE!!" and he came running over and tackled me with a humongous hug.

"I missed you so much Skittles." he said still hugging me. Oh how I had missed that nickname.

"I missed you too Yuggie." we parted from the hug.

"You seem cold, here have my jacket!" he said taking off his tan coloured coat and handing it to me. As I accepted the jacket from him he grabbed two of my suitcases.

"Come on the car is this way." He said nodding his head to the direction he just ran from. I grabbed my other suitcase and my back pack and we headed off.

(in the car)

"Ava?" I heard him say, I turned my head towards him and made a hmm sound.

"I have a huge surprise to tell you when we get home" He said with a huge smile on his face.

"ohhhh can't you just tell me now???" I whinged. "You know me, I don't like knowing there's something and having to wait to find out." I pouted like a kid hoping it would make him tell me. 

"Nope! Cannot tell you yet. I'm sorry, you'll have to wait, Skittles."

"Fine" I said sulking into my seat, I slowly felt my eyes getting heavier and I fell asleep.

(At the apartment)

We had just finished lifting all of my cases out of the lift and was now walking towards our apartment door, Yuggie got out his keys and unlocked it revealing a beautiful apartment, it was cosy yet spacious, with a beautiful view of Seoul. (Photo attached)

I moved my suitcases into my room and began to unpack them and fill up my wardrobes and drawers with my clothes.

I absolutely loved fashion so much so I had a lot of clothes. All of my furniture and little trinkets had already been shipped over here a few weeks ago so I didn't need to worry about flying with them.

Just as I had sorted out one of my drawers my brother Alek walked into my room.

"Ye!" he always called me by my middle name Yekaterina. He quickly pulled me into a hug. Alek had been here for the past month and a half since he finished his college studies earlier than I had so I was made to wait until now when I completed them.

"Let me help you unpack" he offered releasing me from the hug.

"Okay, you begin with that box over there, it has things that need going in my wardrobe" I said grabbing another box and beginning to unpack my shoes.

(time skip)

Me and Alek had been unpacking for about an hour now, and we had worked up a bit of an appetite so I walked to the kitchen to grab two bags potato chips and some drinks for us when I saw Yuggie was just finishing up a phone call.

"Okay!! I'll be there in 5 minutes!" he said and quickly ended the phone call and grabbed his shoes and jacket.

"I'm sorry Ava, I gotta leave for a little bit, I won't be long, don't worry, make sure you and your brother eat dinner. Cya." he said hugging me shortly.

"BYE ALEK" he shouted to him. I heard a faint bye back and with that Yugyeom had left. I wonder what had happened? Hopefully nothing to serious. I grabbed our snacks and headed back to my room to Alek.

[A/N] first chapter woo, lemme know what you think!! Also sorry for updating so much I just keep fine tuning everything, sorry again!

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