Story 2 - Chapter 6

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Story 2

The Gentleman Who Stole My Heart

Chapter 6

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I fidgeted with the edge of my dupatta as we walked up the stairs. His mansion was beautiful. The details were intricately beautiful piece of craft. From the marble to the railings everything was perfect. He showed me around the upper living hall, home theater and terrace garden. Then he led me to a room. 'This is my room." he said.  Pity that he did not stay in this beautiful room.

"Well, it's cleaner than usual." He said grinning sheepishly. I smiled. Why was he telling me that?

" The interiors of this room are lovelier than the ones out." I said looking at the beautiful wallpaper behind his bed. 

"I designed my room, so obviously." He said proudly. 

"Oh!" I said smiling. 

"Well I must say, I have underestimated simplicity for too long!" He tilted his head over to my side  and said in a husky voice. I cocked my head to his side. Our eyes met. That glowing grin on his face. I smiled formally, and turned back to the wallpaper.

"You make simplicity more beautiful!" He added as I walked ahead to the huge balcony. 

I smiled and looked at the sky. 

"Are you always like this?'

" like what?" I asked immediately.

He smiled at my sudden response, "like...silent, like. this!" He shrugged.

I blinked baffled. "No.No. I talk a lot, that's what they say...ask my Daadi she will tell you!" I grinned looking away.

"Hmm..interesting. So you are Daadi's girl!" He said placing his hands on the railing. His left hand touching my right.  

I gave a smug smile. If only he knew the wars we had. "Nope. Mom!" 

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