Story 1- Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

My eyes looked around as I walked down the stairs. I had taken extra efforts to dress up well. Like every single day of my existence in this new house- my new home.

Call me crazy, maybe I am. But, I was not a tad bit sad on leaving home and coming to this new place. I guess it was all because of Bollywood. Yeah, sounds outright idiotic but well truth remains. But this little secret of mine was buried only within me.

The others greeted me. I smiled. This was another issue. Smiling! Yes. Smiling. I mean, the only thing I was advised was keep smiling as you are the new daughter in law. Like seriously? Isn't the newly wed woman a human? Her cheeks would obviously hurt! Smile anyway! Oh my cheeks hurt now. I swear I hadn't smiled this much on graduation day also when we took like some five hundred pictures.

As I helped my mother-in-law my eyes rested on him. There he was precisely as per routine skimming through a newspaper. Mind you, foreign newspaper! One of the points to add to the my personal mental list titled, "My Hubby's Habits".

Oh I had a major dislike for those framless spectacles he wore. Those pretty bluish green eyes deserved better. This was to be added to , "To Manipulate List". 

I was startled slightly when he looked up suddenly as though listening to my thoughts. Scary imagination! It's better if my thoughts kept within the walls of my head. I swear I could sue them for coming out. If they did, they would for sure cause a riot. He smiled formally. I was tempted to remind him he could smirk, wink and give another kind of look to me. I was his wife of seven days! I smiled back, formally!

He looked back into the paper and I settled next to my mother in law, helping her rotate the dishes around.

The Monday morning seemed quite normal. Everyone seemed over the wedding tiredness. I couldn't thank my stars enough when my father-in-law suggested I accompany him to office. I had been at the manger post of a company that sadly turned out to be one of the rivals of the Oberoi Industries. It had been decided during the 'wedding talks' as I call it that after marriage I could work at the Oberoi's. Well at that time I was little aware that they were talking about " The Oberoi Industry " but now that I knew, nervousness took over.I was elated. A firm like the Oberoi! 

He agreed to his father in jiffy and gave me a look as though to see if I was okay. Added to the "Gentleman" list.

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