Story 1 -Chapter 3 -

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- Story 1 -

Chapter 3

Twenty second day. Who bought roses for whom? It was a rainy day, so the woman wasn't there. But it wasn't just me who was unhappy. He was too. And there began my happiness. I smiled at him. He smiled back. I swear that smile was more than formality.

I kept swinging in thoughts. Making a mental list of concepts I should study during the day as we walked down the corridor to his office. After finishing whatever tasks Mr. Gill assigned I usually made time to revisit a few concepts. There was no way I could be a laughing stock before my in-laws and him. No. I had to get that job.

I was so lost that I did not know when I had banged into his back. A small gasp shot out of my mouth as my body collided with his. I pressed my lips and uttering a quick apology, stepped away. He looked rather amused and irritated at the same time. It was the first time something like that happened. All awkwardness described in movies and series was fake to me. We both were into decent sleeping habits. There was whatsoever no awkward moment on the bed.  But there was another kind of awkwardness. Without touch awkwardness between us was always there now came the one with touch with this bang. 

Mr. Gill was on an unasked leave. His frustration shot up. I had an idea of his schedule, Mr. Gill had taught me. I quickly gave him the diary, opening it to the schedule of the day. "Thanks!" He grabbed it, scanning the page. 

I assisted him. Taking notes and sending mails which Mr.Gill did. Oh, how I wished Mr. Gill was there. The man had no patience. Despite my frustration I kept working. After lunch the schedule was relaxed. 

I was sitting on the chair beside his. Making notes so that Mr. Gill wouldn't have a problem the next day.

As we drove back he started a conversation. There I was smiling as he acknowledged mybhelp and thanked me for it. "I swear. The day would have been horrible if you weren't there." His words that fell into my ears and made a curve grow up on my face. "It's just that, I m too used to Mr. Gill being there. Ever since I joined he has assisted me."

"Spoilt you." I remarked smiling.

He glanced at me. Did I cross some line? Shouldn't have been that honest. 

"Sorry." I said quietly turning to look out.

"Don't be. I like that you are honest enough to say that. No one takes the guts to you know. "

And that made me smile again. No I wasn't blushing, hopefully not.

*  *  *

We had changed into our nightwear. I planned to study for a while. Opening the small cupboard by the wall I pulled out a pile of books. Scanning through them, I kept aside the one I wanted and shoved back the ones I didn't.

Thud! Thud! 

"Urrgh! " I looked at the fallen pile irked. As I bent down there he was beside me, helping me. I smiled sheepishly. 

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