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Harry sat just within the boundaries of the forbidden forest, grooming his crown of feathers nervously and looking left and right. His forest wyvern blood was more prominent in its element so his teeth were sharpened into sharpened incisors and the whites of his eyes were yellowing, attuned to movement and pheromones. He and Draco had agreed to meet here yesterday when they had to separate for dinner. Their heart to heart while certainly solidifying in their relationship, they were still pretty awkward with it. Thus, this was not a 'date'. Just a meetup so they could spend time together. 

He'd accidentally arrived fifteen minutes early by panicking himself at the thought of being late, so here he was, still a good seven minutes before the designated meeting time, ready to take a nap already. He scoffed at himself. He's not even here yet and you're all over the place.  

To be fair, he had reason to be on edge. Though he was pretty much convinced that Draco had no ill intentions, this was a war; and letting his guard down completely after the boy nearly killed him was not an option. How Harry wished it was; he wished that he could bypass all the hesitation and just go with the flow like any other teenager. But he was no ordinary teenager, and so it would be. 

He jolted and looked up, the intoxicating scent of his mate beginning to register. He inhaled deeply and smiled slightly, pheromones numbing his anxiety and allowing his stiff posture to relax as he slumped into the tree trunk behind him.

The trees and bushes rustled and swelled, seemingly in anticipation of Draco's arrival. Soon enough the blond boy came into view, his pureblood strut hindered by his obvious tensity, which lessened as he caught sight of Harry. A similar small smile adorned his face, and Harry's cheeks gained a light blush at the sight of him.

"Hey," Harry started.

"Morning, Potter," Draco responded, his signature smirk playing across his lips. While Harry might've found it arrogant before, his heart swelled a little at the sight. 

"Back on last name basis, I see," he poked playfully as Draco took a seat beside him. The greenery around them seemed to shroud them; sheltering them from any prying eyes that might have wandered so far.

"Well we can't have the rabbits thinking we're on good terms can we? Imagine the ruckus all the gossip would cause." 

The tension they'd both anticipated was cut like a hot knife through butter almost immediately - they simply clicked. Conversation flowed effortlessly and both eased up considerably.

"I-  I brought some lunch," Draco confessed, pulling a small bundle from his pocket and enlarging it with his wand until it was revealed to be a stack of boxes wrapped in a blanket. 

"Oh thanks, you didn't need to!" Harry said through a glowing smile. Every gesture instilled a little more trust and Harry was jut about ready to melt. 

"Dont expect me to be so mushy all the time, by the way." For some reason, Harry doubted this. They had such an effect on eachother. "If you'd stand," Draco asked, to which Harry obliged. Draco spread the blanket where they were sat at the base of a growing oak, and as they both sat he placed the stack of boxes between them. "I organised it by which we eat first, so we don't have to shuffle through the pile trying to work out which is which." God. How cute.

"I dunno what to say," Harry said dumbly. Draco grinned.

"you're hot when you're confused," he admitted, his porcelain face lighting up with embarrassment as he waited for his comment to settle in. He heard a light chuckle from Harry and he could've turned to jelly right there.

"Pretty bold, coming from mr. 'physically flawless'," Harry shot back with a cheeky grin.

"Alright, enough flirting, I spent bloody ages slaving like a house elf on this crap. Dig in already," Draco muttered, snatching up the flat box on the top of the pile and flipping the cardboard lid open. The box itself acted as the serving dish; in one corner was a triangular compartment of hummus, and in the rest of the space sat various items to dip.

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