The Family?!?

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Picture of our lovely Dean Highcaster, above:)

Dean's POV

I have been awake for half and hour now I just can bring my self to wake my dear Maria yet. She looks so angelic and beautiful when she sleeps. She looks like she's having a good sleep and I don't want to ruin that for her yet because I know today's going to be a rough day. I know how rude my sister is and that she'll never approve of Maria. I don't care though, whatever my sister has to say about Maria will not stop me from being with her.

Maria is the most important thing in my life now. I just really hope I can convince Alexandra to leave it be. She needs to know that Maria is the one I'm meant to be with and she needs to get over her silly charades.

"Dean, you are worried your family will hate me, are you not?" I must have thought aloud or looked very worried because I had not mentioned to her how my sister is. I must mention how much of a challenge today shall be.

"Maria darling, you must know Alex is a very cold person she's not fond of Omegas. Though whatever she must say or do will not affect the way I feel for you and that I want to live with you the rest of my life. It is our life now and I shall not let her ruin that for us." I spoke kind and soft to my darling mate for I shall show her how much I care for her.

My brother now will not be a problem. Since he is just happy as I am happy, there should be no problem. My sister is 17 and not able to live alone, me being the eldest, even by two minutes, I took on the alpha duty.

Shane became my sisters legal guardian. We have no other family around since the rouge attack, and Alex needed someone to look over her. So Shane took the position, not lightly though.
Shane's always been jealous of my alpha title and is ashamed he was stuck with babysitting duty. Though he still cares deeply about my sister and I, he still fumes about not being eldest.

"It will be fine though my love, what Alex says doesn't matter to me," Maria looked at me dumbfounded.
"Yes well Dean it matters to me! She's yours sister for god sakes. If she doesn't approve of me that means something." No she didn't get it, whatever happens Maria is my first priority and my sister would just have to get over it.
"Maria stop. She'll either like you or she'll have to get over it, it's not up for discussion. I will drop everything and everyone for you. Including my sister. So get dressed and let's go." After that she realized there was nothing to make me change my mind if my sister doesn't approve so she silently nodded and went off to dress.
After thirty minutes of getting ready we both hoped in my car. I drove to the nearest breakfast place and we stopped to eat.
"Dean I'm not feeling the best, maybe we should do this some other time." she pondered while stabbing her pancakes repeatedly and never taking a bite.
"Well maybe if you'd eat and drink you'd feel better, Maria there is no way in hell that this isn't happening today." Her face got a little flustered after I had scolded her. She was angry.
"What the fuck, what happened to I'm your first priority and all that crap that you'd drop everything thing for me. I'm sick and I want to god dam go home!" Well this had certainly came out of nowhere. Her hands were clenched out of so much anger. She was starting to piss me off!
"Maria, watch your language. Pretty girls like you don't talk like that. Next time I won't hesitate to bend you over and spank the living daylights out of you! We are going to my brothers house and you will go whether you want to or not. Are we clear?"

Maria's POV

The way he had said that scared me, I knew he would do it and he used his alpha tone so I must submit.
I let out a whimper and nodded quietly at him. The rest of breakfast was spent silent and uncomfortable. I was so angry at him, and I knew as soon as I looked into his eyes or he made contact with my skin that I'd be putty in his hand and all would be forgiven. I don't want that though, I don't want to automatically fall under his touch and submit to everything he says. But life fricking sucks and I'll have too.
I got into the car quickly not waiting for Dean to open my door. I don't want to have anything to do with him as of now. I knew he could hear my thoughts and he'd had enough.
"Jesus Christ, Maria! You need to learn your place and the only way to get you to respect me as your alpha is to discipline you when you are out of line. If you would just behave and listen to me, then this wouldn't happen." Does he not get it! Ugh he makes me so angry.

"You are my alpha, Dean. But I am your mate, we are supposed to be equals and obviously you don't think that way. So you know what Mr. Big Bad Alpha? You're right I should know better. You are my alpha and I need to to treat you like one, but now that I'll treat you with the ever so respect you deserve, don't plan on me treating you anything like a mate. You're my alpha and I'll treat you like it." My voice was dripping with so much anger, so much venom that it physically hurt.
If he wants respect I'll show him respect.



Let me start off by saying how sorry I am. I usually write this all on my phone and as I wrote half of the chapter my phone freaked on me and deleted this chapter. I was so angry and it was so hard for me to get motivated to rewrite the whole chapter, but it's done and now I will continue on writing each week and become faster with updates. I used to update every three days and that is just what I'll start doing again.


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