I Don't Love You

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Vampires? Twin brother? Love? Dead parents? Now I know a lot about him I just don't love him. Not yet at least, if we give it some time I would fall for him. I still don't know if I can deal with his possessiveness but I at least owe him to try, for saving my life.

"You're awake, Maria, would you like to go down and get breakfast with me?" he kindly asked. I was impressed that he asked me if I wanted to, instead of just telling me to.

"Are you no longer mad at me?" I was curious as to where we both stand, I was willing to stay and make it work but I'd like to know what he's feeling.

"Maria. You almost died, I couldn't be mad even if I tried. I thought you would be mad at me for mar-" I didn't want him to think I was mad that he saved my life.

"No Dean. You saved my life, I wouldn't be mad at you. Am I upset that the mating process is sped up? Yeah, of course, but I'm not mad at you." I was sincere about my explanation. You could see his eyes brimmed with joy, and if I looked hard enough I think I could spot a tear or two.

"Maria I've said it before, but I'm in love with you." He said it again. This is terrible I don't love him back. I care about him it's just that I really don't fall in love all that easy. He looked at me with expectant eyes, waiting for my response.

"Look Dean, I care so much about you, but I don't love you yet. I know that when you meet your mate that you usually fall instantly in love, but we had a rocky beginning. In time I will come to love you with all my heart. Yet not now." His facial expression was unreadable, I couldn't tell how he felt. I hoped he would be understanding and give me time.

"This is ridiculous Maria! I poured my heart out to you, told you things I've never told anyone before. We are mates for god sakes, I'll come back when you're ready to love me." And with that he stormed off leaving me in tears, alone in the kitchen with my pancakes. I really wasn't expecting that. I ate my pancakes in silence, letting tears roll down my cheeks. I was interrupted by a blonde girl who was very pretty.

"Hello." I said sweetly hoping for another friend. She looked at me in disgust and came closer to me.

"Don't speak unless spoken to, you dirty omega." Ugh. Since I haven't mated yet I could still be sensed as omega.

"I advise you to not talk to me on that tone or ever disrespect me like that!" I got in her face this time, she scoffed and raised her hand to slap me. I closed my eyes waiting for the blow, but it never came. I looked up and saw Anthony holding her wrist.

"You will be tried and punished for disrespect of our future luna here." Anthony said in monotone, I was glad he came to my rescue. She was in disbelieve as guards carried her towards what I'm guessing was the downstairs or jail.

"Thanks Anthony." His eyes were big and full of surprise.

"You're welcome Lu- Maria." I'm guessing his other Luna's were not as nice as I was.

"Maria?" a female voice said while walking down the stairs. I knew it was Allison.

"Allison!" I ran over to her and gave her a big hug. We were becoming closer and closer each day! She could see the tears in my eyes and the water stains on my cheeks. Her face was filled with worry, she grabbed my hand and led my upstairs to her and Anthony's room. She told Anthony to go check up on Dean while she talks to me.

"Oh Allison, I don't know what to do, Dean loves me but I'm not ready to love him yet! He's angry with me and it's hurting me. Like physically and emotionally... He yelled at me with so much anger and hurt. It made my chest ache in unbearable pain." Her eyes were on the verge of filling up with tears.

"Maria, this sounds similar to what happened with Anthony and I. I thought I didn't love him, I just cared for him. Really I was scared to love him because I had never been in love before. With what you're explaining to me, it sounds like you're in love. You just need to let yourself love him and let him love you." What she was saying made a lot of sense. I was in pain because the one I loved, my mate, was hurt and angry. Mate. I was in heat! This was so unplanned, I had totally forgot that a few days after he marked me I would be in heat. I bet that's why he was so angry, he wanted to be near me and hear that I loved him.

"Allison, I know you're right. I'm scared to let myself love him, because I've never loved before. This is terrible timing too, because I'm in heat. His emotions were amplified by two towards me." I explained to her. I wonder why I'm so resistant to love him? I bet it's because of my special wolf, I can't tell him about it yet though. I can't tell anyone yet.

I was tired of all of this and decided to go to bed. I wished Allison a good night and headed out the door. I walked down the carpeted hallways and found the doorway marked ALPHA. I don't know why it says this since it would be my bedroom as well, but I was I was to tired to do anything. I opened the door and went right to the bed. I slid off my vans and didn't bother to change, before climbing right under the covers. I drifted off for a nice nap.


I was awoken by the sound of a door shutting. Instantly I knew it was Dean because I could smell his sweet aroma.

"Dean, I'm sorry." was all I could mumble out while keeping my head down so I didn't have to face him.

He walked over to the bed and put his hand under my cheek and whispered to me, "Maria darling, you have nothing to apologize to me for. It was wrong, very much so to push you to feel things that you don't feel for me."

"No Dean. You gave me the wake up call that I needed. I do love you, I'm madly in love with you. I was just scared to admit my feelings, because I've never loved before. You pushed me to a point that I needed and I thank you for it." He gave me that smirk, and boy it was a panty dropper. Oh the things I could do to him. Where were these thoughts coming from? I want to rip his clothes off right here right now.

"My dear Maria, you're in heat. I won't have enough strength to resist you. Especially with that dirty mind of yours" he winked at me and stepped closer.

"I want to, but I'm not ready quite yet. Please understand Dean. We would be moving to fast, and mating should come later." he looked disappointed, but quickly smirked again and he knew just what it did to me.

"Well I respect your wishes my mate, so I guess then tomorrow you'll have to meet the family." His family? What if they don't like me, what if I'm not Luna material to them?

"What if they don't agree with our mating?" Even though the moon goddess specially picked mates to be together, some higher family's don't agree with them mating to an Omega.

"Baby just because you WERE an Omega does not mean shit to me, and as far as I'm concerned if my family doesn't like you well they can be disowned." He said sternly in his alpha tone, it made me feel safe and protected. He slid into the bed with me and possessively put his arm around me. I was enveloped in warmth and fell asleep faster than usual.

Boy I really loved him.


Hey guys, Molly here!

I'm unclear about whether or not I want to do a sex scene, I really don't like that stuff but I'll make you guys a deal!

I'm becoming very unsatisfied with the amount of votes I'm receiving, so in order for me to do that scene I'm expecting at least 10 new votes! As soon as I hit that amount I'll update a new chapter that may have a sexy/sex scene.

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