No. 3: Irresponsible Tailor

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This part was written in friendly and very funny cooperation with my friend Vanessa :D (To find here under the beautiful name LyrasLullaby )

Group: VIPs


Members: Valkyrie, Ghastly, Erskine


Valkyrie: Ghastly, did you notice how short my clothes are?

Valkyrie: Hello? Ghastly?

Valkyrie: Hey, this is urgent. We're on the way to a suspect and I don't have fitting protective clothing!

Valkyrie: ... Ghastly? Do you want me to get injured?!

Valkyrie: If you don't answer soon I'll say it's your fault if something happens to me!

Valkyrie: Do you answer now?

Valkyrie: ...

Valkyrie: ... ... Ok, I'll tell Skulduggery.


Ghastly: Did you know that it is extremely weird if a vibrator goes off in your pocket while you're in a meeting?

Valkyrie: Your fault if you don't answer in time. >___>

Ghastly: You sent a message every second! And sometimes it's work before phone.

Valkyrie: Work? You're a tailor, you should be sitting in your shop.

Ghastly: I am an Elder, I sit in my office or conference rooms.

Valkyrie: What ever. Do you have time? I need a new coat and my trousers are too short!

Ghastly: I'm a busy man since Erskine talked me into this. Of course I don't want you to get injured on a mission but it's not on me all alone - I don't have time by the way.

Valkyrie: Then make time, it's important.

Ghastly: The cooperation of the sanctuaries is important as well.

Valkyrie: ... COME ON. I just want a fitting coat! It's cold outside and I don't have a warm jacket!

Ghastly: Then it's about time to buy one. It's going to be cold for a while now.

Valkyrie: ... What would the Grandmage say if you carelessly put a 16 year old in danger?

Valkyrie: ...

Ghastly: Are you threatening me?

Valkyrie: Indirectly...

Erskine: What the Grandmage would say? There are more important things in life than clothes and I send people on dangerous missions on a daily basis. Now pull yourselves together! And talk about that IN PRIVATE next time. It's enough if one phone turns into a vibrator, I don't need to embarrass myself as well.

Valkyrie: You're so irresponsible.

Erskine: Tell that to Skulduggery, he took you in when you were twelve.

Ghastly: Touché.

>>Valkyrie added Skulduggery to the group.<<

Valkyrie: Tell them!

Skulduggery: What?

Valkyrie: They're irresponsible!

Skulduggery: Oh, I'm not the right one for that.

Valkyrie: You turn against me as well now?!

Skulduggery: No. But we have to go soon. Hurry up, ok?

Valkyrie: You're impossible. All of you.

>>Valkyrie left the group<<

Skulduggery: What was that?

Erskine: It was about clothes.

Ghastly: So to say. And about the responsibility of the safety of a 16 year old.

Erskine: But this is your job, Skulduggery. You look after her, not us.

Skulduggery: Oh, while we talk about clothing... How's my new suit?

>>Ghastly removed Skulduggery from the group<<

Ghastly: They got work to do.

Erskine: We as well, now put your phone aside. It looks stupid how you glare under the table the whole time.

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