No. 2: The Council has spoken

86 1 0

Group: VIPs


Members: Valkyrie, Erskine, Ghastly


>>Valkyrie sent a picture<<

Valkyrie: Look, that's you!

Ghastly: Who, those cats?

Valkyrie: Cute, aren't they? :D

Erskine: Why do they wear instant noodle pots on their heads?

Valkyrie: Those are hats symbolizing their authority!

Ghastly: And that sentence? "The Council has spoken"...

Valkyrie: As I said before, they are you. You're the left, Ghastly, and Erskine is the one in the middle.

Erskine: Looks kinda comfortable, all snuggled up... But I won't wear an instant noodle pot.

Ghastly: I see, their looks are matching good actually. Mist's the right one then? Looks snooty. But the middle one looks as sleepy as you, Erskine.

Ghastly: *sly

Erskine: Nah, both matches.

Valkyrie: See? This pictures our Council of Elders in detail!

Ghastly: If you say so... But this is nothing official, just to set this straight.

Erskine: I think I'll get a cat.

Valkyrie: Cute! How do you call her?

Erskine: Don't know yet... Maybe Hopeless.

Ghastly: You think Tipstaff would allow that? A pet in the sanctuary?

Erskine: I am the Grandmage, I can do what I want.

Ghastly: True.

Erskine: Well then, where can I get a cat?

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