Chapter 10

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Your POV

You were laying in bed, gushing over Snape. Severus Snape had complimented you! You couldn't believe it! They guy who is the grouch and hates everyone gave you a compliment! "The guy I like gave me a comp-" you stop mid sentence. D-did you just say like? Like... like, like? Like you... loved him. You began to think as you got ready for bed and layed down again. As you fell asleep you thought. Yeah... I like him...

*Time Skip*

You were awoken by the sun, and you got up. You were showering, and had gotten out when you say the date. "It's Halloween!" You get really excited as you get dressed. You slip on your robs, grab your wand, and you get out the door in 1 minute flat. You always loved this holiday! An excuse to be scary! You get into the Great hall and see how decorated it was. You were a bit early so there wasn't that many students as there would be. You walk up to your seat and sit down. Picking up your glass, you watch as more kids walk in. Snape then sits down next to you. "Morning, professor." You say calmly, without stuttering. You didn't really expect him to answer but he did. "Morning, (Y/L/N)" he replies. You smile and you can feel your face heat up. You then continued to eat

*Another Time Skip because I'm lazy*

After the rest of they day, it was dinner time. Chuckling, you see Harry and Ron come in. But then you look and see no Herminone. "Where-" you stop as Snape sits down next to you. The feast then begins and you notice that Herminone still wasn't there. You continue to eat and continue to look up to see if Herminone walked in. You then take a bite of you food. "TROLL!!!!" You look up to see Professor Quirrell running in. "IN THE DUNGEON!!!!" He shouts. There was no troll down there! You thought as he continues. "TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!!!!" Dumbledore then stands. "Thought you ought to know..." he mumbles before fainting. Everyone then began to scream, even Malfoy, as they all started to stand and run out. "SILENCE!!!!!!" Booms Dumbledore's voice as everyone look over to him. "Everyone would please, not panic!!" He yells. Yeah right... you thought, watching him. "Now... perfects, will lead their house back to their dormitories. Teachers, will follow me to the dungeons." He requests as everyone leaves. You were just about to follow Dumbledore till it hit you. Herminone wasn't in the great hall... so she doesn't know about the troll...

"Sh*t!" You yell as you run off. You start running toward the girl's bathroom. If she wasn't in the great hall, and if Harry and Ron weren't worried to go look, she must be in the bathrooms! You thought as you see Ron and Harry enter the bathroom, followed by crashing and Herminone screaming. "HERMINONE!!!!" You yell as you run in to see Ron cast wingardium leviosa and the troll's cub starts to float. The club then falls on the troll's head and falls over, passing out. "What happened here?" You ask as the 3 look at you with surprise. You guess they didn't know you walked in. "I went looking for the troll-" starts Herminone but you stop her. "Herminone, I know more than many you wouldn't do something like this! What were you doing in here?" You ask. She was about to answer when McGonagall and the rest of the teachers run in. "Oh! Oh my goodness! Explain yourself, all of you!" She says, mainly looking at you. "Well..."starts Harry but you put your hand up.

"When the dinner started, I saw Herminone wasn't present. I didn't think much of it, till Professor Quirrell told everyone about the troll." You explain "I had then realized Herminone wouldn't have heard the warning, and I know that Herminone wouldn't have skipped dinner to just study in the dorm. So I knew she must be in here, and by the time I got here, I found Ron and Harry in here. They took down the troll, with what seemed like with ease." You look at the boys and smirked at their embarrassment. "But why was Herminone in here?" Asks Mcgonagall. "I was upset..." Mumbles Herminone. You sigh as Mcgonagall spoke again. "I applaud your bravery for check on students, not in your house. As for you 2 gentleman..." she looks at Harry and Ron "I just hope you realize how fortunate you are. Not many first year students could take on a fully grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale! 5 points..." you look at the boys "Will be awarded to each of you... for sheer dumb luck!" She adds as they walk off. "Alright! Back to your dorms!" You tell them as you walk off. You walk to your room and shower yourself off. You then walk into the classroom, to finish some papers. You then almost ran into Snape, but you stopped before you hit him. "Sorry, sir." You say looking at him. "Watch where you are going." He simply says as he walks past. You then notice that he was limping on his right leg. You grab his wrist. "Snape, what happened?!" You ask as he turns to your worried face.

Anon: I'm stopping it here because this is an already long chapter. Also, you all may know that school is going to start back up soon so I may not be able to post as often, but I will try to continue. Anyway, see you everyone!

Why me? (Severus Snape x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora