Chapter 16

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You woke up to Severus shifting around. You look up at him as his eyes flutter open yo meet your eyes. "Marry Christmas!~" You say and he grins. You slide out off you spot on the couch and sit on the floor. "Wanna open everything?" You ask and he just shrugs. You grab out one and see it's from Dumbledore. It was a small box, only 2 inches thick. You open it to see a long letter. You choose to not read it and you move onto Mr. Flitwick's. You open it to see a pare of reading glasses. You chuckle, you always complimented Mr. Flitwick's glasses. You go threw every present till only yours for Severus was left. You smile as you hand the present to him.

Snape's POV

When (Y/N) handed me a present, I was confused. Who would get me a present? I got my answer when I read it was from her and she sat next to me. I open it and see a black scarf with green tassels. I looked at it then to her blushing face. I smile the see the picture frame in the box. I pick it up and look at it. "I thought we could put a picture in there..." she mumbles. I pulls her close as I smile. "Thank you..." She smiles at me. I then pull out a box from under the couch. "Missed one." I say, pulling the present up. "Severus... you shouldn't have..." she grabbed the box and unwrapped it to reveal a (F/C) heart necklace. She picked it up and looked at it. A few tear fell as she looked at it. She then hugged me and I hugged back. After the hug, she put it on and smiled at me. Her smile... it looked like Lily's, but... it was something more... so was her (E/C) eyes... they like Lily's but I stared into them more than her's. My (Y/N)...

*Time Skip to you are back at the dungeons you call home*

Your POV

It was the day after Christmas break, and you were still wearing your gift from Severus. He also wore yours too, but not inside. He also didn't like to wear it around students, nor show you affection when around them. You were currently in class with Slytherin and Gryffindor with Severus. It was peaceful, only had 1 explosion all day. But there was only problem with today. IT WAS COLD AS F***!!! All the students had on their coats and some had scarfs. Severus's face was rosy from the cold and he just walked out. "O...k..." you say looking to the students. "So! Next, please ground your ingredients. No mixing 2 different powders together!" You remind and the students get to work. They were then interrupted by Severus walking back in with gloves and his scarf you gave him. Everyone gave him weird stares but he ignored it.

At the end of class, you and Sevrus were alone. "Thank you..." you say to him. "What for?" He asks, looking at you. "For over coming your fear!" You say and Severus smiles. You smile back at him and you give his a quick peck on the lips. You smile as Severus blushes as his kisses you. You 2 pull away as the next class walked in and you 2 were now bright red. But you just blamed it on the cold.

Anon: Sorry this took so long! School and stuff! If you didn't know, I posted the newest chapter of Sevy a while ago. If you don't know, or you weren't paying attention... *snap snap* listen up! Sevy is another story I'm working on. It's about how you come to work at Hogwarts and you meet your childhood friend, who also are in love with. The newest chapter took a sad turn but I'm happy on where the story is going. As for Why Me? Well, I don't think it'll stop anytime soon! But I'm rambling! Till you read again!

Why me? (Severus Snape x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora