Chapter 5

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You open the door to your chambers. You see a fire place and a couch in the living room. There was also a large (f/c) rug in the middle of the floor. You also had a small bathroom next to your room. Your bed was a Queen size bed, with (f/c) sheets, a nightstand on each side of the bed, and a desk in the corner of the room. You shiver and walk back into the living room. You cast a spell and a fire starts in the fireplace. The room then starts to warm up as you sit on the couch. You breath a sigh and then look into a mirror that was on the wall. "Why me?"

*Next day*

You woke up bright an early. You look at your clock and it says 5:30 am. You get up and take a shower and put on your new teachers clothing. You start walking over to your new classroom. Might as well... you thought as you walk over to the room. You look inside to see that no one was in there. Thank you Merlin! You thought as you walk in. There was a mess of papers on the front desk. You walk over and look at the many papers and see they are the test sheets from the day before. You chuckle as you see and F on so many papers. As you look through the papers, you see an A+ plus stamped on one paper. The name on the top was (Y/n) (Y/l/n). It was your paper. You smile and start to sort the papers into different piles. The F pile, which had many pages, the D pile ,which had a few, there were no C or B piles, and the A pile. You look at the 2 pages in the pile, yours and Hermione's. You sigh at the thought of Herminone. You 2 were great friends, aceing classes together, chatting about tests and books, and messing with Harry and Ron about their scores. You look up and see professor Snape standing in the doorway. You stand up, blushing like a maniac.

Anon: I'm going to be a devil and end it here! Hope you enjoy this chaper! Bye everyone!

Why me? (Severus Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now