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trixie mattel was the daughter of the local priest, an altar girl and lead in the choir. she was the picture perfect daughter: religious, smart, quiet yet popular.

katya was... well, the exact opposite. the only damn reason she even went to church anymore was to stare at trixie. she used to be in the choir too but inevitably dropped it. she told trixie it was because she realised she couldn't sing but honestly, there's only so much jesus praise she can take.

katya smoked, and drank, and fucked girls, and she'd like to think she'd committed almost every other sin imaginable. yet she and trixie were still somehow best friends.

they had lived next door to each other since they were six and katya's family moved to the small, conservative town they live in. trixie and her mom had come over during the first week they lived there. trixie was stood shaking and nervous behind her mom as she handed a casserole to katya's mom and went inside for some tea.

the little five-year-old trixie couldn't even speak since she was so shy, so katya, being the sweetheart she'd never admit to be, went to pick a daisy from her new garden and gave it to trixie. trixie had burst out into a smile and tackled katya into a hug. in that moment, trixie became katya's first love. a crush that katya still had a decade later.

as they grew up, they both changed immensely. katya watched trixie become more insecure, covering her curvy body and stopping her constant snacking. and trixie watched katya "fall into the devil's path", clothes growing darker and music getting louder as the years went by.

trixie prayed for katya every night before she went to bed, secretly not wanting her to change despite what her prayers said. and katya watched trixie pray for her every night. the layout of their houses (and every house on the block) were identical so katya could see into trixie's bedroom window and vice versa.

sometimes trixie would forget to close her blinds or leave them open and assume katya wasn't home while she got ready. the amount of times katya had been late for school because she had to finger herself because she'd seen trixie naked from her six a.m. shower were embarrassing.

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