"Your Love Healed my Bruises" Throk x Reader Fluff

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This is for @anime_fand0ms_ I hope you like it! It is short yes but it is in the format of a sweet hospital flashback. I hope you like it !

The Galra hospital has been up and jumping all day. A surprise attack from earth made the Galra look weak. Most of the soldiers were nearly dead and only a few survived , the sight wasn't pretty at all. All of the soldiers cried out in agony , some of them breathed their last breath as they were being brought into here. You never felt as sorry for them as you did now.

You were a certified nurse ; placed on one of the calmer floor where men were out when they were calmer , they were at peace.

Your assignment for the day required you to monitor the patients , making sure they were fine throughout the day all of them seemed to be recovering quite quickly but they were alone. Their medication began to ware off , they became more aware of their surroundings. Today's assignment had you to look over Throk, one of the loyalist, toughest commanders. Nothing could his spirit, maybe a few bruises here and there but nothing else. You slowly entered the door and peered through it. There laid poor Throk, staring into space, wondering when this will be over.

"Hey there, sleepyhead. How are you doing," you cooed as you walked closer to him, gently moving his arm. Throk turned his head and gazed into your eyes. His frown of pain suddenly turned into a smile. His eyes were soft as if his cold ruthless heart had Been melted. He painfully moved his far arm to lay his furry hand on top of yours.

"Nurse—" he coughed hard—"How long do I have to live?"

You stare at your clipboard, frowning, thinking of ways to break the news to Throk. Although sudden death was certain, his charts had proved otherwise. Lying to him about his conditions was extremely unethical, but the shock would impact him either way.

"You're doing fine sweetheart! But you may be in here longer than expected."

"Will you visit me until I am well," he asked softening his grip.

"Well, I can try. Usually they move me everywhere. Why do you ask?"

Throk sighed heavily and looked deep into your eyes as if you could physically feel the connecting bond.

"I've noticed you throughout the empire. I've seen you in central command . You've helped Prorok on many occasions. Remember when you left a mark on my forehead? It will remain in my brain forever."

"What mark?"

"The Kiss that escaped your lips that you placed on my temple. It stained the front lobe of my left side brain. A man never forgets such a thing."

"The kiss meant that much to you? Why do you want me to visit you everyday?"

"Just seeing your bright smiling face gives me hope. Hope for a brighter future."

"Oh Throk..," you coo placing your hand over your heart. For such a mean commander, most of them showed their soft side in moments of pain and agony.

You couldn't help but wonder why he was trying to flatter you so much. As you smiled intensively, you crouch down to meet his face, gently laying on the bed pillow.

"The others may think I am a fool for admitting my true feelings to you, But I rather you know now than never."

"How beautiful do you think I am?"

"when you speak, your voice sounds angelic. Smooth as honey, soft as a bird's chirp. Heaven may have lost an angel, but I gained one."

For a moment, it felt like your chest began to feel soft. Throk's comforting made you feel ...warm inside.

An angel?

"Your beauty holds no bounds. I am sure you remember or last encounter."

Wait.Was he talking about....he sure was.

Nearly 2 years ago,Throk, Prorok, and Thace had to work together because some Earth intruders had made their way onto the ship and managed to kill more than half of galra soldiers on board. Thace and Prorok had been taken away by another medical team which left Throk laying on the ground, bleeding, nearly ready to die yet again. He appeared to be crying but of course he denied all allegations. His eyes were full of tears. His hand was covering a major bullet wound.

"Throk! I am Nurse (insert name) from the 3rd fleet. Stay with me," you yell at him while quickly trying to fix his bullet sore.

"Nurse," he whispered out. "Nurse. I don't think I'll be able to make it," Throk said silently sobbing.

"Don't Think like that Throk! You'll be fine! Throk look at me.."

You take your free hand and gently tilted his head so that he can look you in the eye. Once his eyes locked with yours, he smiled. You quickly wrapped his arm in gauze and quickly stitched up his cuts. You gently sit him up against the wall allowing him to lay on your shoulder.

"shh you're going to be ok, Throk."

You gently place 4 kisses on his forehead which seemed to work. He stopped crying and began to cuddle with your shoulder.

"Wow. You remember that?"

I do. How could I forget. Because of the sweet jester
It seemed that it cured my corrupted mindset. I no longer wanted to kill. I wanted to help in any way possible. It's amazing how women can make a man a better person. "

"We do have that ability ," You day giggling a bit.

Throk sat back on the hospital bed and placed his hands over his chest. It was amazing how Galra men appeared to be pap tough and hard but as soon as their superiors were gone , they were as soft as plushies. It made you smile. Maybe there was hope for this race after all!

"Throk...you're going to be ok. I'll visit you every day until you recover. "

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