"The Prorok Experience" Prorok x Reader

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Authors note : this wasn't requested by anyone I just wrote it by myself. If you do want me to write something, just comment below. I'll try to respond within 2 days sometimes it may be longer. I hope you enjoy !!
"You wanted to speak with me, Emperor?"
"Yes. This is Lieutenant (insert name here). She will be assisting you and Thace. She is to be only involved with business affairs. I will not have you or your fleet fraternizing with her."

"Emperor, I assure you—"

"Enough!! Word has it that your fleet do not know how to control themselves  around women. You have until the next morning to teach them control."

"But emperor—"

"I have spoken, Prorok! You are dismissed ." 

You were drafted into this army against your will...well not exactly. You were a pure bred Galra female and going to college was what you wanted to do. Turns out, you couldn't afford to go to college so this was an alternate career. As you walk with Commander Prorok , you do not even bother to talk to him at all, instead you stare directly in front of you. Prorok seemed a bit peeved himself because he knew his given task was going to be difficult. Galra women—not just galra women, all women —were beautiful. As Galra men try to put on a tough exterior , they really take the  time to honor women. They admire their beauty—this is why it takes a while for them to court.

"Don't let the emperor's word scare you. I have the best fleet in this central command ship."

Prorok was very arrogant just like Sendak.  You didn't answer Prorok at all. Instead you just sigh hard. Prorok isn't a guy that cares about anyone's feelings but , this time he seemed to. He hadn't had a female in his fleet for centuries , so you were a bit concerning to him.

"Is everything...alright?"

You slowly crane your head to let his concerns gaze. He could read your attitude through your facial expressions.

"I'm fine, Commander. Please tell your mongrel fleet to respect me. I am not an object."

"Oh of course ! You needn't worry about that. That's taken care of.  But I will tell you...they don't view women as objects they just simply...admire them. They go a bit overboard but it's something you'd love to happen to you."

"Really? Please give me an example."

"You never know. One day you may open your locker and you may have a bouquet of flowers in your locker ."

"You expect me to believe that?"

"Okay, fine. You'll see for yourself." 

As you walk into the fleet office, all chatter stops. Prorok leaves you at the door as he walks to the front of the room and stands on on a black platform. Your beautifully done eye shadow glistened from the lights on the ceiling and reflected off of your skin. Your were in shape, when you were in high school, you ran track and participated in soccer. All of the men in that room were totally focused on you know. Not a single person said a word, they just stared. One man began to drool and another man fainted. This was utterly disgusting...oh wait.  If these men would do anything for you to be their mate...why not use this to your advantage ?

"Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce one of the newest additions to our team ... Lieutenant (insert name here)."

"Sir! You never formally introduced us," one soldier said. 

"Duh! She's a chick. Why do yo think he's doing that," another one said.

"Be quiet ! Both of you are wrong. I want Ms. (insert name here) to feel..welcome. She is not an object. We will treat her with respect. Understood ?"

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