"Watch What You Say" Antok x Angst Reader

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Author's note: This story is for VoltronNerd1 .I know its very short, forgive me. I will admit writing a story about Antok was hard because i don't really know much about his character considering he got killed off pretty quick. Nevertheless, I did it! I hope you like it! I have one more requested story to write but If you want me to write for you, just comment below.

Kolivan was out for the week to meet with Krolia and the others. They had gathered intel about Emperor Zarkon that was much needed. Zarkon had planned to take over Planet Zycol, a planet known for its gold and copper. One isn't sure what he was going to do with the gold and copper, but he must be stopped.

You were left alone with Antok , the most serious member in the Blade of Marmora. Antok didn't talk to anyone and no one ever saw his face. He was a shy older male although being in such a rough group made that hard to believe. He only talked to Kolivan and barely sometimes. He only talked to him when they were alone.

Both Thace and Ulaz has suffered horrible deaths and the whole base mourned from it. Kolivan showed no emotion as usual but he knew deep down he was upset. Antok was upset as well.

As you trained with him, his hits were harder and sharper than usual. He didn't speak at all while he threw his sword thrusts at you. It seemed like he was trying to hit you on purpose but why would he do such a thing to a fellow blade? He was angry, sad, ashamed in some way but he forbid his feelings to be shown. You were not as skilled as the other blades but you were improving according to Kolivan.

"You fight like a dishonorable soldier," Antok said nearly slitting your throat with his 7 inch sword. "Why you were allowed into our base, I don't know. Kolivan was a fool for that."

You could feel the rage building up in your system, your face became headed an it was obvious. Your face glowed bright red and your smile faded into an angry grin. Antok was quiet alright but when he fought against anyone he always said things that were not necessary. HE felt like spewing insults made his opponent more angry than they already were and this made them more of a challenge than before. You never knew how Antok really felt about you. He was ok with the other Blades but you were brand new. He always accused you of being in Cahoots with Zarkon when indeed you were not.

"Yelling insulting slurs will not make me any weaker. You bottling your emotions make you weak, Antok."

He jumped into the air landing on his feet with a loud thud. He threw one of his mini swords in which both grazed the sides of your arm. He laughed at his mini victory.

"What's so funny? You didn't slow me down!"

The majority of the BOM crew worked your nerves almost every session but it was different with Antok. It seemed like he actually didn't like you! He jumped into the air and disappeared. As you look around the room still alerted, he lands behind you effectively cutting your entire back in one strike. You fall to your knees and hiss in pain. Antok laughed at you and proceeded to put away his sword.

"I will update Kolivan about your weak status." He snickered but before he left he walked towards you and looked down at you like you were some type of scum.

"Your mother would be disappointed in you, hell, your father would disown you if he were here and witnessed your jank attack."

You quickly stood to your feet, grabbed your sword, and cut Antok along the backside of his arm. Talking about your dead parents was really hurtful and made you want to ahead tears but now your emotions have vanished. The blades nearly did that to you when they jumped you into the gang. Weakness is an infection they told you over and over. They said your emotions allowed you to make irrational decisions.

"At least I know who my parents are. AT LEAST I wasn't left in a horrid empire that allowed major brainwashing to occur. Antok, you're a recluse. You need to get yourself together before you allow your arrogance to kill you. You only act like a loyal soldier when Kolivan's around but other than that, you're two faced and I CANNOT stand those people," you say throwing your sword down.

"Why are you walking away? Will you not hear my insults or are you to soft to intake them?"

You sprint towards him from the back door effectively grabbing him by the hood and slamming him against the wall. He would never allow anyone to do such a thing but he didn't put up a fight just to see how strong you were.

"I am NOT soft due to you fools! You are a monster, Antok. What being sits around and doesn't talk to anyone? What being assumes that everyone's are traitors? You need to wipe your past memory from your brain because if you don't it will allow you to be killed. My father would disown me? No, if he knew you, he wouldn't bat an eye at you."

You and Antok's relationship had been very shaky since your intense talk. Kolivan wasn't aware of this at all, sometimes he allowed his emotionless spirit make him oblivious to other things around him. Kolivan was antok's only acquaintance. You did see a change in his behavior. He didn't try his hardest in training sessions, he didn't eat as much, he started to disappear more...he seemed very depressed. He almost seemed suicidal, but such a thing was never heard of in the empire. You felt bad for what you said to him but it had to be said. .He didn't understand when he crossed the line until someone pointed it out. As you eyed him from the other side of the room, he got up and walked into the bathroom.

Allura had convinced yourself, Kolivan, and Antok to fight 3 Druids to retrieve some important intel hidden in Haggar's torture chamber. They Druids were quite a challenge to fight against but it wasn't impossible to beat them. The Druids black magic stung like a thousand bee stings. The black magic was very powerful and controlling, you try not to be hit more than twice because by the third time, you're almost dead. Antok was fighting to the best of his ability as were all of you. Antok's strength started to drain, you could tell in his body language. Then it hit you, he was giving up. He wasn't trying anymore, the Druids had hit him with black magic4 times and not a single time did he try to come at them with a sword or anything!

"Kolivan, I have to help out Antok," you say running form one platform to another.

"No! You cannot! He has his own enemy to defeat."

"Kolivan! He's giving up."

While the both of you were arguing, two Druids managed to sneak up behind the both of you. They had already gotten Allura. As the electricity crackled between their fingers the flow of black magic escaped their finger tips. Just as it was about both you and Kolivan, Antok jumped in front of the blast, pushing you both out of the way. It was too late.
The Druids disappeared once they saw him down. You ran over to Antok, crying uncontrollably at Antok's fried body. The blue lights on his mask were off and his hand fell to his side. You placed your hand over his chest to feel for a heart beat but there was no way.

"I'm so sorry for the words I said, Antok. It wasn't my place."

"What are you talking about, (insert name)," Kolivan demanded.

"Nothing. It doesn't matter now. He's gone."

As you stayed on your knees crying, the Druid chamber began to rumble and crumble.

"We have to get out of here now," Allura yelled.

"We can't just leave his body here. We have to bury it."

"Where?! Just leave it. He knows what is going on. He's dead, (insert name here), you have to move on. Don't allow your emotions to cloud your judgement."

"Oh, God! I hate it when you say that! IS that all you know?!," You snarled.

HE grabbed you by the waist and slung you over his shoulder. You still cried as his dead body became more distant as you all fled in the escape pod.

"Forgive me Antok. I'll watch what I say from now on."

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