No. 1: Hats

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Group: The Dead Men


Members: Skulduggery, Ghastly, Erskine, Dexter, Saracen, Anton, Valkyrie


Valkyrie: ... Do y'all own cowboy Hats?

Saracen: What makes you think that?

Valkyrie: Skulduggery once told me you travelled through the USA for half a year, somewhere around 1800. I always imagined it to be all like the wild west movies.

Skulduggery: Actually we had way more decency and style than any regular cowboy.

Dexter: I'm not sure about the decency thing but I absolutely agree in terms of style.

Saracen: We've never had much decency. Why else would we be sent on suicide missions?

Dexter: Because we volunteered? And nobody else wanted to do those jobs.

Saracen: Some were hella unethical.

Dexter: And neck breaking.

Saracen: And almost cost all our lives.

Dexter: But here we are: Alive and well dressed.

Saracen: That doesn't apply to all of us anymore...

Valkyrie: You stray off topic! What about the hats now? Do you have them or not??

Skulduggery: I own a lot of hats.

Valkyrie: You got a whole room dedicated to your hats, I know. I've seen it. But that's not what I meant...

Dexter: Back then we all had cowboy hats, yes. They were trendy. And surprisingly practical - I didn't get a sunburn the whole half year!

Saracen: Oh, I remember that one time we took a break, shortly before we reached South Dakota...

Dexter: Saracen, no.

Saracen: ... and you cried like a child.

Dexter: Stop it.

Saracen: Your neck was deep red.

Dexter: Enough!

Saracen: :D

Skulduggery: I admit the old hat may lie around here somewhere.

Valkyrie: I'll look for it the next time I'm at your place. What about the others?

Dexter: Mine's gone lost... Sadly.

Saracen: Mine was stolen.

Valkyrie: Stolen?

Saracen: Long story but very amusing. I'll tell you when we meet.

Anton: ...

Valkyrie: Hey, you're alive, Anton! Tell me, what happened to your hat??

Anton: Burned to dust in some fire.

Valkyrie: Did you...?

Anton: No, it wasn't on purpose. We almost ended on a pyre one time. The hat got there in my place.

Valkyrie: Oh, poor hat...

Ghastly: Damn, you're texting a lot. Don't you have some better use for your time?

Valkyrie: The question held me wide awake for many nights, it's important!

Ghastly: I can hardly imagine that but ok. I as well had a "cowboy hat" and I still keep it in my shop. On one side it's a nice pattern in case someone orders that kind of hat and on the other side did it look dashing on me back then.

Valkyrie: Cool, I'll have a look at it when I'm at your shop!

Skulduggery: Better make sure my suit is ready instead of showing old hats.

Ghastly: Don't worry, I already took care of that.

Valkyrie: How come you answer that late by the way?

Ghastly: You seem to forget that I am an Elder. Unlike you I actually got work to do.

Valkyrie: Yeah, right. Where's Erskine then?

Ghastly: Still in an important meeting. Don't know if they actually get to something or if they just insult each other subliminal. He's very good at that by the way.


Erskine: What the hell is wrong with you?! 45 messages in 10 minutes?! I interrupted a meeting with Grandmage Bisahalani because I thought this was urgent! And you're talking about goddamn hats?!

Valkyrie: ... So, you got one as well?

>> Erskine left the group <<

Saracen: Haha, I saw that coming.

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