6 -- Pig Latin Traditions Don't Include Accidental Kisses

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Are you guys more Team Connor or Team Nathan? Comment and let me know. I would love to hear what you guys think.

And again, thanks for reading!


“It’s tradition,” a tall blonde insisted. The other girls nodded in agreement. “We do it every year. Last year we whip-creamed the entire hall way, another time we made sure all their whites turned pink for a month.”

“You could tell which guys didn’t do laundry though. Their shirts stayed white,” one girl snickered.

“So what are you guys doing this year?” Sophia leaned in to the girls. She sat on her desk with her legs crossed, and leaned back on her arms. Dozens of girls were huddled around her. The guys hadn’t come back from gym class yet.

“It’s a surprise. A handful of girls are picked to come together and decide on the prank, and they decide the date and everything. It’s to keep party poopers from ruining things. All the guys know that it happens every year. They just don’t know when. Last year we did it on valentines day.”

“Hence the pink shirts!” someone added.

Sophia nodded slowly, “How do you know who the girls are?”

“They get an invitation!” One girl squeaked in excitement.

“We are suppose to bounce ideas off one another, but the final decision goes to the five girls selected,” another girl cut in.

“Sophia!” A familiar voice called at the door. It was Whitney. “Are you guys telling her about it?” She lowered her voice to whisper. They nodded. “Sophia, you have go to do it. It sounds like so much fun,” her friend pleaded.

Shrugging, the brunette at the center of attention nodded, “Sounds like fun.”

“Good,” the tall blonde spoke up again. She looked up at the clock at the front of the room, and motioned for people to follow her back to their class room. A few minutes later, the guys filed back in. All but two girls had already scattered into different parts of the room and hid their excitement of upcoming events. Sophia took note of their ability to act. Glancing over at the door, Sophia’s eyes fell on Connor. She watched him heartily laugh with a few buddies as the shoved each other around playfully.

“Sophia,” Connor acknowledged her as he sat down.

“Connor,” she answered back.

“We need to talk later,” his eyes were fixed on her.

Feeling the tension, the two girls left. Even Sophia felt uncomfortable under his gaze. Her heart raced, and she wanted to turn away and look down first, but her pride wouldn’t let her. Trying to shake her sudden shyness, Sophia forced her self to put on a touch of smug at the corners of her lips, and gave an airy chuckle like noise through her nose, “Am I in trouble?”

After classes, Connor fel instep with Sohpia as she waled down the hall, “Where are you headed?”

“My room,” she stopped in her tracks and faced him. He towered over her; she had to look up slightly for their eyes to meet, “What did you want to talk about.”

Connor took in the flushness of her cheeks. They looked soft. He waved the thought away. “Explain this,” he pulled up a picture on facebook on his phone of her and Nathan on the couch. Sophia snatched the phone from his hand and squinted at the screen. Enlarging the picture, she was quiet for a few seconds. “I fell asleep at his place after he helped me with my essay, sort of, and fed me…” Shoved the phone back in his chest, she turned on her heels and walked away.

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