s i x t e e n

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A/n finally some nochelle in this chapter!

Richelle sat quietly in her room.  Today had been emotionally draining to say the least.  After her 'scene' in Studio One, Emily explained to Lola the story in greater detail and then Emily took her and Lola both back to there houses.  As soon as Richelle got home, she ran a steaming hot bath for herself.  She needed some time to cool down and relax.  She filled the tub up with the lavender and cedar wood bubble bath that Lola had gotten her last month because 'she was stressing so much about the team merger.'

Richelle was glad that Lola was that kind of friend.  No matter how Richelle was acting or how distant Richelle wanted to be, Lola was there.  It might have been annoying at first, but Richelle now knew, more than ever, that she was so lucky to have her.  

She soaked in the tub for almost an hour before she deiced that she should go and try to work on homework.  She would probably go back to school on Monday; but, only if she felt up to it.  Her high school was big and would be hard to get around.  Even though Lola, Noah, and of course, Ozzy had promised to help her around the school, she still wasn't sure if she would be ready by Monday.

She tied her hair back in a messy low ponytail and changed into her gray joggers and a tank top from a convention she went to last summer.

When she looks back on that summer, she couldn't help but be so glad that she had changed.   She doesn't remember doing anything but dancing.  While most dancers took weeks off in the summer to go on vacations or go visit family, Richelle would get up every morning at at seven and be at the studio by eight.  She would spend her entire day there, normally not leaving till six thirty at night.  Just practicing moves over and over again.  Then, most weekends she would spend the day at conventions or master classes.  She would go by herself, without teammates or Ms. Kate.  She just went to practice.  But she spent so much time dancing and she didn't end up taking a single break and once school started and she was already tired out from the year.

She sighed and opened up her physics textbook.  She might as well start with what she was best at.  She liked how real physics was.  Everything was true and it all made sense if you stopped to think about it.  No matter what happen in her life, the equation for gravitational p.e. would awalys be ΔUg = mgΔh.  It was constant. 

She was four problems into her first worksheet when she heard a knock on her bedroom door. 

"Richelle, it's me and Jacquie.  Do you think we could come in?"  It was Noah.  She had finally relaxed and now he was here.

"Yeah, sure.  It's unlocked."  She called back quietly.

"Hey, uh, Jacquie and I were on her way to the movies and we figured we would stop by."  He came closer to Richelle's bed, Jacquie was still waiting in the doorway.  

"I actually just came to say high and not gonna lie, I kinda wanted to see your bedroom.  I wanted to see if you had an actual bed in here and not just a dance floor."

"The dance floor is in the basement.  But I do do things other than dance."  Richelle said laughing.

"Yeah, apparently.  You do physics?  I knew Noah said you were good at science, but these are some pretty intense problems.

"I guess I just like the stability of it.  Kinda like ballet I guess."

"That makes sense for someone like you."  Jacquie paused.  "I really do hope your hip gets better.  Will we see you tomorrow?"

"I'm not so sure.  And, uh, thanks Jacquie.  About my hip.  I really do appreciate it."  Jacquie smiled and headed back downstairs to Noah's car.

Once Noah could hear Jacquie on her way down the stairs, he said, "Emily told me about what went down with Lola today.  I'm really sorry.  I know you don't like talking about, well, that.  If you need anything, or if you just wanna talk about it with someone who knows the, the thing, then just shoot me text and I'll come over or whatever."  Richelle nodded.  Noah had know her since she was first taken away from her dad.  When there were still bruises on her arm and a newly formed scar on her forehead.  See, Noah's mom had been Richelle's social worker.  Noah happened to be in the office with his mom because his babysitter had canceled when Richelle was first moved into state care.  He was there on her official adoption day and was her first playdate in her new home.  Noah really was Richelle's first real friend.

"Hey Noah, there is one thing I need from you."

"Yeah, sure.  Whatever you need."

Richelle toke a deep breath.  "I need you to tell Emily and Michelle that It might be a while till you guys see me back at the studio.  I need a break.  I love to dance, but it's all I've ever know.  It can't be only thing I have.  I need to take some time to remember who I am.  Or just try and figure out who I am without dance."

"Are you really sure about this, Rich?  You're the female best dancer we have."  Noah wasn't completely sure what he was hearing.  He had really only know Richelle as a dancer.  The Next Step had been her home since she was six.

"I need to get better on my own time.  I can't be trying to meet some deadline I made for myself so I can go back to dance."

"But this is so sudden.  Are you sure this isn't just some jerk reaction to what happened this afternoon?  Dance used to be your safe place, but now someone else knows about your past."

"Noah, I've been unhappy for along time.  Dance for me, well, it's is like playing a game.  I'm not trying for myself, I try so I can have another move for my books.  I want to collect the most moves or what ever.  I guess it's me wanting to win the game.  But I've had a lot of time to think lately and I'm not sure how deathly that is.  I love dance and I love being able to dance with you and Lola and even Ozzy sometimes.  But I need a break.  I need to learn to do things because they make me happy, not because it will impress people."

"By people, do you mean your dad?"  Noah paused, like he was putting pieces of a puzzle together in his head.  "I know it's presumptuous, but I know your case inside and out.  You want to be up to his standards.  You could never meet them when you were younger so now you want to meet them.  That's why every time something doesn't go in your favor, you just work that much harder."

"When did you get to be so smart?"  Richelle said quietly, starring down at her hip brace.

"If I'm smart it's only because of you."

"Noah come here."  Richelle said, pulling him in for a hug.  "Thank you, thank you."  She whispered.

"Hey Richelle."

"Yeah, Noah?"

"I'm really glad that our friendship isn't over.  I know I've been a complete jerk to you and-"

"Noah shut up.  I'm just glad your here."

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