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Emily sat there in shock as she heard what Miss Kate was saying.  She knew Daniel had brought up the possibility of Richelle having Snapping Hip Syndrome yesterday during rehearsal, but she couldn't imagine that Richelle was actually hurt.  She was so disappointed in herself.  She let her own drama get in the way and Richelle was paying the price.  She tired so hard to not be like Riley, in that process she did exactly what she did, let her students down.

"Whats wrong?  Like what's the injury?"  Michelle asked inquisitively.  She did feel slightly bad for Michelle, after all she had no idea that Richelle was injured.  But truthfully they both knew that it was their fault that Richelle didn't feel comfortable coming to one of them and that they probably should have noticed the injury before it go worse.

"Snapping Hip Syndrome, but they think it got worse.  Her MRI comes back in two hours and one of us has to be there with her.  She asked if you could come Emily, and that you could go if you wanted Michelle."  Emily and Michelle shared a look before they both nodded.  They stood up from their chairs when Kate said, "She asked that you don't bring any of the dancers though, but she did say we could tell them."

"Alright, we should probably go do that now."  Michelle said.  Emily nodded and started walking out.  Emily wasn't complete sure what to say.  She was overcome with disappointment in herself. 

"I'll go with you guys to tell A-troupe but I promised Richelle I would go over to her house and pick up some stuff for her."  The co-studio heads both nodded and started walking towards Studio A, not looking forward to delivering the news that they had just heard.

(Meanwhile in Studio A)

"Guys, I just wanted to say how proud I am of all of you.  You guys really showed some serious determination to get to this point and I can't wait to watch us win regionals, nationals, and international!"  West said  He really did mean it.  It was so excited to see what was to come for this team.  Emily, Michelle, and Kate walked in at the very tail end of West speech, only to be met with a mix of 'where were you guys' and 'we made it'!

"Alright, as proud as we are of all of you guys, we have some very important news to share about one of your teammates."  Emily started.

"Yes, last night Richelle was rushed to the hospital because of her hip.  They are still waiting for her MRI result to come back, but it is not looking to great.  She was diagnosed with Snapping Hip Syndrome about two weeks ago, but the doctors fear that that could have caused something much worse.  She wanted you guys to know, but asked that you guys wait to visit her because she is in a tremendous amount of pain."  Michelle finished.  The room was silent for a few seconds, as the dancers processed the information. 

Noah was the first speak, "Is she gonna be okay?"  He asked, fairly nervously, which surprised Kate after what Richelle said about her ruining their friendship last night.

"Hopefully.  We aren't even completely sure what went wrong.  Her MRI result should be back at noon, so we should be able to text you guys what happened at about twelve thirty."  Michelle answered back.  

Emily looked around the room.  Some dancers had their hands on their heads, trying to process what happened.  Noah looked nervous and Piper looked helpless.  These dancers really did need Richelle.  Even if she was no longer their dance captain, she was nonetheless one of the best dancers this team had to offer.  Then she realized, Lola was no longer in the room. 

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