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"I don't know it thats the best idea, Lo.  You can't just skip school or rehearsal for me.  I'll be fine waiting till tomorrow to see you."

"But Rich-"

"I don't wanna here it Lo.  I'm coming into the studio this afternoon and you can see me than.  It was a minimally invasive surgery and I'm recovery perfectly fine.  I know you care, but we should just wait."

"Alright fine.  But I better be able to see you.  This is the longest we've gone without seeing each other in like the past two months and I miss you."

"I miss you too.  Tell your moms I say hi."

"They say hi back.  I can't wait to see you!"

"Me too!  Good luck on your history test!"  Richelle said before hanging up.  She sigh and looked around her bedroom.  Her surgery had already been three days ago and she was incredibly thankful that she was home.  Hospitals made her, even though she wouldn't admit it, scared. 

But still, being at home all day can be very boring, epically for a girl like Richelle.  She spent the day lounging around her bedroom and binge watching Glee, her ultimate guilt pleasure show, counting down the time till it was three-thirty.  As soon as the clock hit that magical number, she hopped into the car and watched out the window until Macy finally got to TNS.

Richelle cautiously made her way to the elevator.  Once she reached Studio A, she slowly hopped to the center of the studio.  She closed her eyes, imaging herself dancing.  It felt so good.

"Does it feel weird to be back? I know after my injury it just felt a little bit different."  Emily said, startling Richelle.

"Em! I missed you!" Richelle said, turing around to the studio head. She was finally back, home.

"I missed you too, Rich. But I saw you on what, Monday, it's only Thursday. Emily said smiling.

"Yeah, I know, but it gets so lonely just sitting by yourself in a room all day."

"That's true. Wanna come sit down?" Emily noticed Richly wobbling back and forth slightly. It seemed as though Richelle was still trying to find a way to balance herself on her crutches. Richelle nodded and followed Emily, hoping along on her crutches. She looked around Studio A, it felt so familiarly but so different at the same time. This was her home, where she grew up. This was also a place where she had felt heartbreak so many times--loosing dance captain, that first time she fell because of her hip, all the early mornings she spent here for the past two season, only to get little recognition for her work.

"Put your hip up Rich, the elevation is supposed to help the healing." Richelle slowly lifted her hip up, wincing a bit from the pain. Emily stared at the hip brace the girl wore. It was so bulky, especially on someone was petite as Richelle.

"I know, I know." Richelle said, turing to Emily. "It clashes with my outfit." Emily chuckled.

"Well I think it looks great." Emily paused. "Richelle, I'm grateful I am that you're okay. I know that this is kinda my fault and all, because I'm your studio head and all and I'm sorry-"

"Em, I'm gonna have to stop you right there. This isn't your fault. You didn't go dancing even when you knew the consequences. You shouldn't have to look out for me. I'm sixteen, that is by far old enough to know right from wrong."

"Oh Richelle, it's cute to think that I'd ever be able to stop looking out for you. Come here." Emily said, reaching in for a hug. "Now, can we please talk about your boyfriend choice? I get that you might have been a little lonely, but Elliot? Come on."

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