e l e v e n

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Richelle never understood the hype around goodbyes.

She's seventeen and it feels like she's only ever had two meaningful goodbyes in her lifetime.  

She just doesn't understand why people make sure a big deal over them.  Sure, in certain cases, it make sense to have a long and sentimental goodbye.  But, her dance friends will surely see her wishing the next week, so why have they been saying goodbye to her for the past twenty minutes?

Legit, she swears between Lola and Noah, she's gotten like seven hugs.

She's glad she has a group of friends that seem to care so much about her, but this feels like too much.  If the roles were swapped, she might have hugged the person once then left (and that is if she really was friends with the person, she's not a hugger).

She does appreciate this, but she's finally had enough after Henry said that he hoped the surgery goes well for the ninth time since he's walked in.  She knows it's a lame excuse, but she finally says, "guys, I'm really grateful for all of this, but I should probably get a goodnights rest before the surgery."  She knows it dumb because it's only 7:15 (A/N 19:15 in military time) and the Sun was just starting to set, but she really, really needed to speed up this process.  And not just for the reason that she wanted a little time to be alone, but she also did not want any A-troupe members to meet her mom.

It's not that she didn't like Macy.  She really didn't have a problem with her adoptive mom.  She was a perfectly kind and well-mannered person, but she was much older and had never bonded much with Richelle.  She traveled a lot for work and was rarely home.  Macy's lack of presence was never a problem for Richelle, after all, Richelle was also rarely home.  And maybe, just maybe, the reason Richelle was never home was because she didn't like how alone she felt.  She knew that her overreactions to her teammates not being one hundred percent committed to dance probably stemmed off of the fact that dance was all she had, but like most things, she'd probably never admit it.

So after thirty minutes of goodbyes, she finally ushered them out.  Everyone- not even Ms. Kate or Elliot were still here.  It was quiet and relaxing.  But not for long, because apparently she can't get a nice calm moment of peace to save her life.

"Richelle, sweetheart, what happened?"  Macy said, running in.  She was still in her pantsuit from work and she was dragging her suit case behind her.  "I had no idea that you were still dancing.  I thought you weren't going to do the video."  Richelle sighed.  She felt bad that she had lied to Macy, especially after everything she'd done for Richelle, but in the moment, she hadn't seen another option.  

"Um, well, I got a solo in the dance.  I couldn't pass it up.  I didn't think it would end up this bad.   I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine.  I should have noticed that when you got new pointe shoes that they weren't so that you could have them when you were able to go back to dancing.  Your surgery is tomorrow right?  I'll have to fly out Saturday night, so I suppose I should hire someone to watch.  Would you mind if I wasn't with you.  Oh, and we should probably say something to your teachers."

"It's okay if you leave.  And, um, Lola already said something to my teachers.  She's been getting my homework for me."

"Alright, well, I have to go take a call.  It's 8am in China."

Richelle nodded.  She was used to Macy leaving so suddenly.  She sometimes wished Macy was around more often.  It would of probably been better for her if Macy stayed, but she was lucky enough to have her here.  

Maybe in another she wouldn't need an adoptive mom.  She would just be able to have a mom.  She believes there is another timeline where thats true.  And she also believes that a timeline does not exist where she's a dancer.  Maybe not at The Next Step, but always a dancers.  And she's sure that she aways knows Noah, Emily and Lola, somehow.  A childhood friend, a partner, a neighbor, or maybe just someone she bumps into on the street.  She always knows them.  Without them, she's not sure who she is.  And maybe it's just because she's tired that she's thinking like this.  But it just feels so true.  Without Noah, Emily, and Lola being with her, she's almost positive she would not be who she is.

She's probably just trying to forgot about her surgery though- She's never been a sentimental person anyways.  

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