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I was a awoken up by my phone constantly beeping. I rolled over and sighed, grabbing it. The light stung my eyes and I unlocked it.

Get the fuck up !!!
We going out
Come on.
Answer me bitch

Jesus Jordan
it's 4am in the morning
what do you want? 😤

I want to go out😏
Come on I'm outside

Outside where?

Your house dumbass 😜

I groaned dragging myself out of bed. Pulling over a black hoodie which was kinda too big for me. But oversized hoodies are the best plus they're so comfy. I slipped into my jeans and threw my vans on. I carefully snuck down the stairs trying not to wake my mum and Tony up. I unlocked the front door as quiet as I could. Jordan stood right in front of me smiling. "Why so Fucking early?" I hissed as I locked the door.

"I wanted to take you somewhere" Jordan smiled. His hair was full of gel which smelt nice. He was wearing tight black jeans with his red hoodie. For 4am in the morning Jordan looked hot and I probably looked like a dead rat.

"Rhea what are you doing?!" Tony yelled opening my mums bedroom window. Oh no. I looked at Jordan and he grabbed my hand. We were both laughing and running in the darkness. Tony and my mum was probably going mad right now. But I didn't care I was with Jordan.
"So where are we exactly going? My feet are killing me" I moaned.
"Quit moaning you'll see" Jordan smirked.
"Nah like seriously" I complained.
"Alright" Jordan said as he grabbed me and lifted me up bridal style.
"I didn't mean that" I rolled my eyes but snuggled into his neck. I could smell Jordan's strong cologne and I felt safe in his arms.

My eyes kept closing every now and then it must've been 5am by now. Jordan was still carrying me which I was surprised at.
"Here" Jordan said placing me down on the grass carefully.
"A field?" I asked with a confused look.
"Yeah a field which we can fuck in" he smirked. I instantly frowned and began to open my mouth but before I could say anything, Jordan placed his finger against my lips.
"Shhh I'm joking. I took you here to watch the sunrise with me duh" he laughed sitting down.

"I'm really thrown back by that to be honest" I said sitting down beside him.
"Why?" He asked.
"Because you woke me up at 4am. Walked all the way here carrying me. Just to watch the sunrise"
"No shit Sherlock" Jordan laughed.
"Ughhh I'm just surprised you just don't wanna fuck me or anything" I mumbled.
"I'm not going to lie that would be great but I'm not just gonna straight up fuck you Rhea"
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because I'm not a fuck boy. I don't fuck girls over like that. I don't want to be like my brother. I care about your feelings"

I was in awe. That was generally so sweet.
"I care about your feelings too" I replied.
"Okay good. Now shut the fuck up and watch this sun rise with me baby" Jordan said as he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together.

We were sat up on a hill. The grass was dry and I could see the horizon. The sun rose up creating a mix of colours. Yellow, pink, Orange and red. It was absolutely beautiful and I forgot about everything. All my worries flew out of my mind and I was focused on how beautiful the sun is. The fact that Jordan dragged me all the way out here made me smile. "Fuck me that is beautiful" Jordan said as he gazed at the sky.

"You may be a 'bad boy' but to me you're a big softie" I chuckled shoving Jordan.
"I can be a bad boy to you if you really want me too" Jordan hushed.
"Shut up yo idiot" I laughed.
"Make me" he dared.
"I'm good you know"
"Hmmm are you?" He said pushing me over and tickled me.
"Omg no Jordan I hate being tickled. I will not apologise if I end up kicking you in the face" I screeched as I rolled around on the grass.
"You will apologise if you do" Jordan said continuing to tickle me.

Jordan's sleeve rolled up as he kept tickling me. I glanced at his wrist, I blinked a few times and I saw freshly red deep cuts. My heart felt like it had shattered. "Jordan" I sighed.
"What?" he laughed as he looked down to where my eyes had landed. Jordan got up quickly and tugged the sleeve down.
"Don't pretend I didn't see that" I hissed as I got up brushing the dry grass off me.

"It's not what you think it is" He spat. Jordan's mood had completely changed and I could tell he didn't want to talk about it.
"Jordan I'm not dumb nor stupid. I know you put those there yourself. But tell me why you did it?" I asked hopefully.

"Ugh why do you care so much?" Jordan scoffed.
"Because you're hurting yourself. And you do you know how that makes me feel?" I asked.
"What?" He sighed rolling his eyes.
"Sad. It makes me feel really sad. That you're hurting that much you have turned to that" I said sadly.

"It doesn't affect you in anyway so it doesn't matter"
"Are you being for real?! Jordan I Fucking care about you so much. If something happened to you... I would be absolutely devastated of course it would affect me"
I said harshly.

I knew my words were coming out cold and mean but he needs to know the truth. I was surprised someone like Jordan would do something like that to himself. Out of all the people I wouldn't expect Jordan.

"The other night you didn't call your mum. You made yourself sick. You made a promise to me and you broke it" Jordan shouted angrily.

My stomach dropped. He had figured it out, I must've made it way too obvious.
"Why bring that up now?" I snapped.
"You a broke a fucking promise to me Rhea" Jordan yelled.
"This is nothing to do with what I've just seen plastered all over your wrist. So don't you dare bring that up" I spat Coldy.

What I done was just as bad. Broken a promise that I was supposed to of stuck too. I felt the guilt creep up on the back of me. I truly was stupid.
"I took you up here because I wanted too and you ruined it" Jordan scoffed.
"Are you being for real? If I hadn't of seen those cuts on your wrist none of this would've of happened. But I'm quite glad I noticed them" I said crossing my arms.
"Why? You don't fucking care" He said raising his voice.
"Yes I do. Like I explained how much I care about you, not even 5 minutes ago you twat" I rolled my eyes.
"Well your just as fucked up as I am. Making yourself throw up and here I am waving blades across my skin. Must be a perfect match" Jordan hissed.

I took in all his words and smiled. "You think whatever you want Jordan but right now I'd like to go sleep" I said. I took my hoodie off and began to shiver. I placed it on the grass and leant on it looking up at the sky. It wasn't long till Jordan led down beside me putting his hoodie over me. Jordan put his arms around me and I grabbed his wrist. Tracing the cuts with my finger made me shiver. A tear slipped down my face as I wanted to know why he was doing this to himself.
"Please don't leave me. Please don't go" Jordan whispered.
I shook my head "I'm not going anywhere"

I love how whenever they have a good time it always ends badly. They'll have their happy ending soon:)
Tysm for 3K💕

Don't go (Jordan Wilson) || ACKLEY BRIDGE Where stories live. Discover now