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Laying in bed that night, or rather, morning, I thought about everything that had gone down and waited for the part where I should hit myself in the face with a pillow.

I got drunk.

I started a conversation with Levi.

I held nothing back and admitted that my roommate was a slut.

I confessed that I didn't have any dreams or goals of my own.

I finally voiced my lack of enthusiasm about going to vet school.

I cried on Levi's shoulder about my lack of enthusiasm and goals.

I ate fast food with Levi.

I told Levi how amazing he was.

There! There is was; the moment I should've hit myself in the face with a pillow because I was a moron. Instead, I continued letting the not-so-distant memories replay.

Back to me telling him how amazing he was.

Well, I didn't exactly use those words, but I used the only words I could think of while we sat in a cramped McDonald's booth sharing an order of fries with our knees touching.

"You're really cool. Did you know that? And cute. You're definitely cute." While the greasy food was helping to sober me up I was still buzzed enough to have a big mouth. "And I really like that you know exactly what you want to do with your life, even if it's something scary."

He'd stared at me for a minute with narrowed eyes and the beginnings of a smile on his lips. "Is that why you tried to avoid me tonight? Because you think my job is scary?"

I stuffed about six fries in my mouth and nodded vigorously. He leaned closer.

"Well, Miss Mylee, I'll let you in on a little secret. I'm not a Marine yet."

Yup, that was it. That was why I needed to be hit in the face with a pillow. And not just like a little throw pillow, but one of those super fluffy and relatively heavy pillows the nice hotels have. I needed to have some sense beat into me because his words had taken every bit I had and thrown it out the door of the McDonald's we were in to get run over in the street. Yup, my common sense was still missing even while lying alone in my own bed in the wee hours of the morning.

I grabbed my nearly-dead phone off the night stand and typed out a quick text to my most recently added contact.

You're a thief. 

Then, I did what I should have done the second I started thinking back on the evening. I hit myself directly in the fact with the heaviest pillow I could find. 

I, Mylee Brannan, was the biggest idiot I'd ever met. 

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