Right Under My Ribcage

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It feels like there's a knife stuck in the area right under my ribcage. I can feel it on both sides of my body, back and front. It stays long enough to let my persistent tissue begin to rebuild around the foreign object lodged in my body. I cannot move, speak, talk or walk. It is too sharp. If I try getting out of bed, the knife will lose it's place, right under my ribcage. The pain will be excruciating, as it was when you first pushed the blade through me. But, you never realized it would hurt me, it was "never your intention" to hurt me. Or any fucking person you stabbed as well, right under the ribcage. You stabbed me to gain power. You stabbed me to start again. You stabbed me to knock me down. You stabbed me to hurt me, whether you know that or not.

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