Ch.27:Waking Up

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Idk what to call this chapter... Help plz?

Bella's POV

The bright sunlight leaks through the blinds and wakes me up.

"Good morning sun." I yawn.

My phone's clock reads 7:45 am as I get out of bed.

I walk down the long hallway and find Adam's bedroom door wide open.

Quiet snores come from inside so I decide to not bother him and go downstairs.

The TV plays quietly in the living room and Jason walks out of the kitchen.

"Hey Jason, morning." I whisper, reaching the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey Bella, how'd you sleep? You were knocked out when I woke up." he chuckles quietly.

"I was exhausted for some reason. What's on TV?" I ask.

Jason shrugs. "Nothing good, I think I might go up to my room and record a solo video. Want to come?" Jason asks.

I nod and we walk up the stairs.

"Oh, let me go turn off the TV, my rooms across from yours if you want to just go on in. Don't look at the mess though." Jason whispers, running back down the stairs.

I walk over to his door and creak it open.

His room isn't that messy as he makes it sound. Actually the only mess is the bed.

I walk in and wait by the door for Jason.

He rushes in and turns a light pink.

"Told you it was messy."

"Jason, your room is clean. Don't say it's not when the bed is the only thing not made up."

He chuckles. "I'm kinda a neat freak at times. Anyways, let's start recording."

Jason walks over to his desk with two monitors, a mic, and a keyboard.

"Nice set up. Is that keyboard Razor?" I ask, noticing the green lights as the computer comes on.

"Yeah, you like Razor's products?"

"I think their cool, but I don't use them. Same with Gunnars."

"Cool." he says, sitting in his chair and starting up Fraps (recording software).

I sit on the bed behind him and watch.

He pulls up the Hexplorit mod pack and starts a single player world.

"Do you mind being quiet while I record?" Jason asks, turning to face me as the world loads behind him.

"Sure, I don't mind." I smile.

He returns the smile and turns back to the computer screen.

"Actually, I'm going to go get some breakfast. I'll watch the video when it comes out though." I say, standing.

He nods. "Okay, can you shut the door behind you?"

"Yeah, I will, have fun."

He nods and I leave the room.

As I shut the door Jason starts his classic intro.

"Hello Stars, Jason here..."

The door closes lightly and I walk downstairs, into the kitchen.

"Hey Bella." Ian greets, hovering over the kitchen counter.

"Hey Ian, how long have you been up?" I ask, grabbing a glass from a cabinet and filling it with water.

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