Ch.5: Hadia & Rachel

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Bella's POV

Today's the day!

Today, I get to meet my idols!

I squeal in excitement and jump out of bed.

My alarm clock next to me says 5:50 AM but I don't care.

Like Adam always says, Sleep is for the weak!

(A/N: What?!? I sleep all the time and I'm strong and fit! I'm going to have a talk with this Adam!)

(A/N Mahroz, he can't sleep so he says that when people give him a hard time about not sleeping. This is something I say when I wake up really early.)

Then again, he has insomnia...

I throw my clothes on and put my contacts in. (I do wear glasses IRL). (Same!)

When I'm done putting them in, I take a shower and finish getting ready for the day.

When I'm done, it's 6:10.

'Time to wake the carrot up.'

I run into Mahroz's room.

"Time to meet your dream man!" I shout.

Mahroz jumps out of bed and, in a blur, she's in the bathroom.

"Don't let me get in your way!" I shout through the door.

"I'll try not to." she laughs through the door.

I roll my eyes and run into the kitchen, pulling out left over cinnamon rolls.

"Breakfast Mahroz!" I yell, the sun rising outside the kitchen window.

"Coming!" she yells, running into the room.

~After Breakfast

"Do you need me to drop you and Hadia off at the concert?" I ask, grabbing my keys.

"Yeah, oh and who is going with you to Arcadiacon?"

"My friend Rachel. She really likes Jerome." (A/N Rachel if your reading this, I'm sorry but Mitch is mine in this story :-/.)

"Who's Jerome?" Mahroz asks.

"It's taking all of my strength to not slap you right now." I mumble.

"What did I do?" She whines.

"If you know Mitch, you know Jerome." I say with a slight smirk.

"Okay, well I'm sorry I don't. We should probably go anyways."

"Agreed." I say, opening the front door.

Mahroz's POV

Well, I'm really glad that Bella didn't slap me, otherwise I would have this big bruise on one of my cheeks. Like who are these people that she keeps speaking of? I swear, there are too many peasants in this world.

"Ok, we are almost outside Hadia's apartment. Call her and tell her to come outside." Bella orders me.

No one orders Zaynster around. That's my job. I'll let it slide just this once though, but only because I'm going to meet my loves!

"KK!" I say excidedly. I take out my phone and dial Hadia's number. No answer. I dial again. No answer.

"Sigh." Wait, what? Did I just say sigh and mentally sigh? I must slowly be going crazy. I always knew this day would come but not so soon! Not until I was atleast 50 or so!

"I think Hadia's phone is dead, as always! I'll go knock on her door." I tell Bella.

"Ok, make it quick! I can't wait to meet my idols!" Bella says.


I make the LONG journey up to Hadia's apartment. I thought about knocking but forget that! Hadia and I are close enough to just walk right in! And luckily, I have a spare key to Hadia's apartment. I dig the spare key out of my boots, (Yes, my boots. Purses are for wimps. I only use my purse when I'm driving.), and unlock the door.

"HONEY I'M HOME!" I shout, walking inside. I chuckle to myself. Even though I'm going crazy, I am glad to see that I still have my sense of humor left.

"HEY ZAYNSTER! ARE YOU READY TO MEET YOURSELF?" Hadia shouts, not even 3 feet away from me.

"YOU KNOW I'M ALWAYS READY! THE REAL QUESTION IS, ARE YOU READY?" I shout back at her. Glad to see I also have my sass. Turns out, going crazy might not be bad at all. Hadia and I could finally be crazy buddies!

(A/N Your already crazy buddies in my book XD)

"OF COURSE I AM!" Hadia screams at the top of her lungs.

"QUIET DOWN PEOPLE! I AM TRYING TO SLEEP!" Hadia's neighbors scream, banging on the wall next to us.

"Who are your neighbors, Paul?" (Paul is Hadia's nickname, in case ya'll forgot.)

"You remember that old lady who was feeding the pigeons corn down at the park and you got mad at her because one of them looked like Kevin and the corn wasn't even cooked?" Hadia asks me.

"Yeah, I remember her. And we have to say 'senior citizen', remember? We promised Lindsey that we would try to be nice to her." I tell her.

"Yeah, well she's our new neighbor." Hadia replies, looking towards the wall that had been banged.

"Ugh. I feel bad for you." I tell her, while dragging her out to the car.

"Same." She replies. I sit up in the front while Hadia sits in the back.

"Sheesh guys! I could hear you guys shouting all the way from here! I might need to get a hearing aid now because of you two!" Bella says with a small grin.

Hadia and I just laughed at that and got into the car.

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