Ch.6: Bad Luck

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Bella's POV

I drive Mahroz and Hadia to the concert, trying hard to not loose my mind with their constant screaming and one direction songs blaring in my ears.

"We're here, thank God!" I mumble.

The two fangirls scream and shout as they hop out of the car.

"Thanks Bella!" Mahroz yells before shutting the car door.

I sigh as silence fills the car.

'Who knew they could be so loud... wait never mind, I live with them.'

I start to drive away but stop as my phone goes off.

I look at the caller ID.


I answer it immediately.

"Hey Rachel, what's up?"

"Hey, Arcadiacons been canceled... there's an earthquake in Galveston. Can you come pick me and a couple friends up?"

"Yeah, wait is the building ruined?"

"Yeah it looks like nobody got out, except a few people that are with me right now... just hurry please."

"Kay, I'm on my way."

"See ya."

"Bye." I hang up and floor the gasp pedal.

I slow down a second later, knowing I don't need to get a ticket, and drive towards Galveston.

~30 Minutes Later

"Bella!" Rachel yells from the sidewalk of the now destroyed building.

"Rachel, are you okay?" I ask, unlocking my car.

"Yeah I'm fine, but Mitch and Jerome aren't... I found them when the earthquake hit. The team is with them right now. Can you take them to your house? I'll take the rest of the team." Rachel says in a hurried tone.

"Sure, lead the way... Wait won't they need a hospital?" I ask.

"Yeah but they refuse to go to one. Follow me."

I get out of my car and follow Rachel through the rubble of the once beautiful building.

We come to a small area where Team Crafted is kneeling by two body's stuck under the rubble.

As we approach I realize that it's a passed out Jerome and Mitch.

I gasp and run to the men under the rubble.

"Rachel, who is this?" A girl asks.

"This is my good friend Bella. She knows some medical stuff and might be able to help Jerome and Mitch." Rachel explains from behind me.

I look around and try to move the rubble from Jerome's arm and Mitch's leg.

"Can y'all help me move this rubble? if we don't get them out, we'll have to cut them loose and I'm sure none of us want to do that." I say.

Adam and Ty are the first to respond, throwing themselves over a large piece of rubble and pulling it up.

Jason and Ian grab the smaller pieces of rubble underneath while Quentin helps Adam and Ty hold up the larger piece.

When Jason and Ian are done clearing out the rubble from underneath the big piece, Ryan and a man I don't recognize pull Jerome and Mitch out.

The guys holding the big piece let it fall with a thud.

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