Chapter 1:

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  • Dedicated to Cynthia Tomlinson

 (This is my first Fan Fiction, thanks for reading. I welcome votes and comments, if you don't like it, well, don't be too harsh. <3 I hope you like it, and I will continue working on it soon enough. xox ~Cat) 

Our town was a normal one; nothing exciting happened unless it was a festival. But my best friend Cindy and I always discovered the best things to do. For example, after high school on a cloudy Monday, we decided we would use our school uniforms as capes- we were Super Cindy and Wonder Lucy- and then get yelled at by our parents. But none of that ever stopped us from having fun. 

It was a sunny Saturday in Florida, and we sat on an olive green bench in front of a small shop on 11th street named: “Jim’s Ice Cream Treats”, lavishly enjoying our ice cream. A bird flew over head, and I watched it fly by while taking another satisfied slurp of my -now melting- Chocolate ice cream.

“So,” Cindy sighed, snapping my attention back to reality. “What do you want to do?” She continued licking her ice cream while paying attention to the vanilla-colored stream running down her hand. “Hmm…” Of course, I wasn’t really thinking of what to do. I was perfectly happy with soaking up the sun on the hot metal bench, eating ice cream. “Want to take a walk?” I asked, deciding to break the silence.

“Sure.” She stood up from the hot bench, tugged at her shorts, and started walking down the sidewalk. I did the same, and jogged to catch up to her. “So,” I said, finally at her side. “Where do you want to go?” I smiled at her as she wiped a smudge of vanilla off her cheek, turning her head to face me.

“I feel like going to the bookstore. Is that okay?” She said and smiled as we reached the turn towards the big Barnes and Noble bookstore. “Okay, fine with me.” We turned on the path on the side walk, and I took another lick of my ice cream. It’s a shame it was almost gone.

We stepped inside Barnes and Nobles and the AC made me shiver. The sliding doors opened to reveal an extremely empty bookstore. It almost shocked me -there might as well been not a single person there.

It was dead silent as we both walked towards the “World War II” section. I sighed heavily in response. “What’s wrong?” She asked, tilting her head to the side to conjure the idea she was confused. She laughed as she saw the look on my face- the look of pure boredom and resentment.

“You know I hate stuff like this.” I sighed, shaking my head and dragging my feet. She laughed and giggled, “Stuff like what, education?” She laughed some more and I couldn’t help but smile. “Yes.” I joked and turned towards the “Teen Fiction” and “Fan Fiction” aisle. I shuffled my feet along the carpet, studying all the different titles, until I came across a One Direction fan fiction and gasped. Ripping it from the shelf, I held my breath.

“Ooh, look! It’s a One Direction fan fiction!” I squealed. I could hear Cindy sigh across the aisles. “Really, you’re too obsessed with them.” She growled as I heard her shove another book into place on the shelf. I slurped my ice cream in response and thought to myself. No such thing as “too obsessed…”  I set the book back on the shelf and started back towards Cindy.

While I was walking along the outside of the empty aisles, I felt a pair of eyes- no, maybe a fewpairs of eyes looking at me. A very few seconds after my discovery, I heard murmurs and fought to keep from turning around.

“Hey! Come over here!” Some man with an Irish accent said. He sounded about our age, actually. I turned reluctantly and completely shut down inside.

It was One Direction themselves, trying to get our attention. Niall yelled again.

“Well, come on then!” He chuckled and motioned for the rest of the lads to walk.  I froze in my spot and stopped breathing. One Direction was walking towards us. Oh. My. God. I looked over my shoulder slightly to see if Cindy’s noticed. She has.

In response she stammered something unintelligible and dropped her ice cream. I watched as they were only a few feet from us, faces smiling, and eyes glittering. And he was in front, walking towards me.

Harry Styles –my dream husband, favorite band member, and the cutest guy ever- walking towards me with a huge grin on his face, he came so close I could smell the sweet breath, and then I felt his hand slide across my waist, to secure around my back and pull me in closer. “Hello.” He smiled down at me, only a few inches taller.

I could only stare in amazement. While for Cindy… Her favorite member –and husband- Louis Tomlinson, was walking towards her, arms outstretched. The others fell behind, hanging out and chatting. Cindy froze dead and -without warning- fainted.

Louis caught her before she hit the floor and –not trying to be gushy or anything- it was the most romantic thing I have ever seen. Black hair flowing, he caught her effortlessly and pulled her safely in his masculine arms. She lay unmoving as he studied her face, her olive skin, and her pink lips. It was the perfect picture.

“What’s your name?” Harry sounded in my ear, breathing quietly at my neck. It startled me, being as I was concentrating on Cindy and, well, not Harry’s perfection. I moved my gaze to Harry again. My eyes wanted to flutter closed, but I didn’t allow them to.

“Lucy.” I said surprisingly calm. He hugged me tighter and smiled. I heard Cindy stirring and Harry and I turned our heads to watch.  “Are you okay?” Louis whispered, smiling a little. She rolled to look at him and she looked surprised. “Y-yes, I… I’m fine.” I could hear her straining to keep her voice steady.

Louis smiled and stood back up, balancing her on her feet. “Okay, that’s wonderful. What’s your name?” Louis asked. “Oh, I’m Cynthia- I mean Cindy, just Cindy.” She smiled a blushed like a cherry. Harry smiled and looked at me again. “H-harry, what are you doing?” Zooming back to the fact he has his arms around me, leaning closer.

“I’m looking at a very cute girl.” He smiled and his eyes twinkled. I loved that twinkle. “I hope you know you’re my, my favorite.” Damn, that sounded weird! Ugh…. Harry smiled even bigger and chuckled. “Thank you, that’s wonderful to know.” I tried hiding my reddening cheeks, and sighed in relief.

My mental upcoming moment to panic was finally over. Cindy cleared her throat bringing my attention back to her. “Well, its best we’d be going. We do have a job to get back to.” This reminded me of our jobs.

We work as maids in mansions for rich people, and we do it over the summer. Today we had a long break, well, break time over.

Cindy walked away from Louis and waved as she called, “C’mon Lucy, let’s go! We got to catch a taxi!” I looked around nervously and removed Harry’s strong arms from my waist. “Sorry, we have to go… Maybe we’ll see you again?” I said, letting my disappointment show. Why today? I hate my life!! “Okay! Uh, see you soon!” Harry called, and Louis yelled something too, but I couldn’t hear it.

Cindy flagged down a taxi and we got in. I knew I’d never see them again… But I won’t ever stop thinking about them. Or stop thinking about Harry. The way he acted like we we’re together, the way I seemed special to him… The way it felt so nice in his arms… The way I wish I could stay in there all day long.

I looked out the window and asked over and over again in my head.

Why’d we have to leave?

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