Chapter 2:

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We pulled into the drive way that stopped in front of a big, fancy golden gate. We got out and Cindy pulled out a sticky-note from her pocket and examined it.

She read contents on the small paper. “223-114-5568, that’s the password.” She walked to a box with numbers and buttons on it, with a big red button that says “Ring for service” and a speaker.

She typed in the correct numbers on the machine and the gate chimed a tune and opened. A female robotic voice said “Please enter” as the gate soundlessly opened.

As we walked through -I was a little impressed- the voice said “Thank you and have a nice day.” Then the gate closed behind us.

The drive way wasn’t gravel or concrete, it was marble with cool colors and pretty stone patterns. It looked like it was made of glass. But it wasn’t just the drive way that amazed me.

The Mansion we just got hired at was marvelous. It was two stories tall, and colored a pale yellow. The windows were huge and a very blank white. The glass was completely cleaned and polished, and the roof was tan blocks, all placed in perfect sections.

The door was Mosaic- like. It was mostly glass and some stained glass, with white swirls around the picture and a shiny doorknob.  The stairs up to the door were cleaned off and the flowers around it where very well kept and bright.

On the top floor, there was one huge wall made of a single glass window. It looked down on all of the drive way, and even had a patio right outside it. Trees outlined the outer lot of the house and I could hear a creek nearby.

It was just beautiful. Like the houses you see in movies, where very, very, very rich people lived.

And we worked here, day and night. They would have a room assigned to us and we would have regular shifts from 5 A.M. to 11 P.M.

I hope the people that live here are as nice as the house they live in…

With that in mind, I removed the key from my pocket and inserted it in the silver keyhole. With a click and an exchange of nervous smiles between Cindy and me, I pushed the fancy door open.

It creaked as it swung into the silence of the empty dark house.

Where is everyone?

Cindy and I looked around and she called out. “Hello? Is anyone home? The Maids you hired are here!”

No answer. “Maybe we should just go upstairs to our room? That is where they assigned our room, right?” I asked, twirling my hair around between my fingers.

“Yeah, we’re upstairs. It’s first door on the left.” She said, reading from her note again. I started walking towards the white marble and red-carpet staircase. It was really nice in here, the couches were wood, and the tables were polished oak.

It smelled fresh and clean -but not like cleaning supplies. As we reached the middle of the tall staircase, it spiraled up through the rest of the way. We finally made the last turn and entered the dark hallway.

The walls were a maroon color and chandeliers hung from the high ceiling. We took the first door on the left. I opened the door and we entered a fairly large room. There was one large queen bed with a pale green comforter and a flower design sewn into it.

Everything was neat and put into place for us. There was a dark wood nightstand on either side of the bed, with legs that curved. We had two windows-one above the bed and one across the room; opposite of the entrance. There was a small bathroom with a shower and vanity. And the floor was a tan carpet. The walls remained an egg-shell white. “Wow, this is ours?” Cindy said, exhaling. I smiled and happily replied “Yeah, I guess so.” To add on to my excitement I heard the main door downstairs open and close.

“They’re home!” Cindy gasped. I walked to the door and signaled for her to follow. We took the stairs one by one, nervous of our new head-masters.

My heart pounded and my stomach was fluttering with large butterflies. Just breathe, that’s all you need to do. Breathe. I took deep breaths and closed my eyes as the spiral staircase ended and my feet hit the hard-wood flooring.

Inhale; exhale.

Inhale; exhale.

Then Cindy fainted once more and my eyes shot open at the sound of her hitting the floor.

I searched towards the main door and surprise and -unexpectedly- anger rose in me.

Completely out of confusion, I stomped towards all 5 of the members of One Direction.

“What do you think you are doing here?!” I said through clenched teeth. Only 4 were paying attention, Louis was running towards Cindy to help her up. Harry held up his hands and said nervously “I should be asking you the same.”

That shot my anger up a notch.

I work here.”  I growled fiercely. “Well, we live here.” Harry said innocently, looking over his shoulder.

I stopped dead in front of him, shocked, confused, humiliated.

I dropped to my knees. “Harry I am so sorry! I never meant to upset the head master! Please, forgive me!” I groveled at his feet. I heard him sigh and then I felt his hand grab my arm and lift me off the ground.

“You haven’t done anything for me to forgive you for.” He smiled and hugged me. I felt like crying, but instead I wrapped my arms around him.

“Thank you.” I whispered; feeling relieved.

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