All Our Pain

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"Sasha the Rat King costume is ready in dressing room 2B. Mindy, I need you to get your tiara from the arts and crafts room. I think Celeste was working on it. George, check lights. Jenna your group is scheduled for final rehearsals in studio C. Hey C, can you find the nutcracker doll in the wings?" Azadeh asks, looking really frazzled. Checking off an item on her clipboard she reads through the rest of her to do list..
"Of coarse," I reply, rushing out of the studio. I feel bad for Azadeh, having to keep track of all the dancers, musicians, and backstage crew. There are only a few more hours before we open the curtain and we're all scrambling to get things in order. So far, everything has been put together, but my Nutcracker has somehow gone missing. When I reach the auditorium, I carefully pick my way through various mouse heads, wooden swords, and random furniture pieces, digging through the props to find my wooden doll. Just as I find him, the door of the auditorium opens again and I hear whispers approaching. I know I should announce my presence, obviously whoever came in here was looking for privacy, but right as I open my mouth, Miles' voice rings out. I quickly duck behind a couch used for the party scene.
"What did you need to talk about now, Julie?" He asks sounding annoyed.
"Us!" She responds.
"Julie. There is no us anymore. I blew up our relationship last year for a reason. Or do you not remember the red riding hood group?" Miles responds. I hear Julie sigh.
"Miles-" She starts.
"No. Julie, I've already told you, I like someone else. Last year was our second chance, and obviously it didn't work. I like Carly and I need you to step off because you're not being fair to me or her," Miles says.
"Miles, Carly, she's a great girl, really she is, but she's not everything you think she is. Like last year, that missing money from the riding hood group? That was Carly," Julie confesses. I clench my fists. She promised that she would keep my secret.
"See that's exactly why I'm choosing Carly. She would never try to slander someone else, just to get what she wanted," Miles retorts. I laugh dryly to myself. If only he knew the half of it.
"You're making a mistake Miles," Julie tells him. I hear Miles let out a laugh.
"No, I don't think I am," He replies.
"She's not going to forgive you," Julie says in a last ditch effort to win the war. I don't hear Miles reply, so I peek my head over the top of the sofa just in time to see Miles disappear out the door. Julie waits around for a few more minutes before leaving as well. I sit for a few minutes after she leaves, processing what I just heard. Yes. Miles Lennox, you're forgiven, I think to myself. Eventually I stand up and carefully pick my way back through the stage probs, scattered haphazardly across the backstage area. I sigh. We'll definitely need to get a group to organize before the show.
"Somebody's suddenly in a good mood," Azadeh comments when I re-enter the dressing room.
"This wouldn't be because of a certain pretty boy, would it?" She asks. I blush.
"Of coarse not! Why would it be? I found the nutcracker doll," I tell her, holding up the doll. Azadeh does not look convinced at all. She raises an eyebrow at me, but doesn't push the topic any further.
"Alright, then you and Miles can rehearse one more time before the show while I get my crew to organize the wings," Azadeh tells me. I groan in my head. Great. She most definitely did this to me on purpose.

Word Count: 643

QOTD: what is your favorite AND least favorite ship from backstage??? Can be cannon or non-cannon, 3 comments and I'll answer the question too!

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