Cool Girl

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"That was interesting," I say to C as soon as the phone is turned off. C turns to glare at me.
"Really? First you fall down the stairs, and then the frosting?" She says grumpily. I shrug my shoulders with a smug grin.
"I got bored," I reply innocently.
"Miles! Now they think we're together!" She complains.
"Well we are together right now," I reply, purposely messing with her.
"You know what I meant Miles."
"Obviously not," I reply. C rolls her eyes at me.
"Woah. I could hear that eye roll," I joke. C purses her lips and shakes her head, walking over to the piano.
"What kind of piano is this? It's super nice," she says, changing the subject.
"Yamaha DGX-660 Grand Digital," I reply.
"Oh my god that's like a thousand dollars!" C exclaims.
"I got this one for a little under nine hundred. Just because I get so many instruments from the place," I respond.
"Can I actually play it?" C asks in awe.
"That's kind of why I brought you here," I laugh. C sits down on the bench nervously.
"I'm not in the music program so you can't judge me," She says before beginning to play. When she finishes, my mouth is probably on the floor.
"How did you learn to play like that?" I ask.
"I took lessons when I was younger, when I had to choose between piano and dance, I still taught myself covers of some songs," she replies shrugging. I raise an eyebrow at her.
"That was really good." C smiles.
"Thanks. Hey do you think you could teach me how to play that?" She asks, pointing at my guitar.
"Yeah," I reply with a smile, getting excited. I hand her the guitar and show her how to hold it correctly.
"So the frets are the little ridges here on the neck of the guitar. The open notes here in order are E, A, D, G,B, E." I've taught her a few basic chords and some strums patterns when a camera clicks in the doorway.
"Aww you and your girlfriend are so cute," Jax teases from the doorway.
"She's not my girlfriend Jax. And how did you get into my house?" I ask.
"Your mom let us in," Kit responds, walking in behind Jax.
"So if you two aren't a couple, why is she sitting your lap?" Kit asks. I look down to see that C is in fact sit on me, guitar in hand.
"I'm teaching her how to play guitar."
"And you couldn't use one of your other guitars?" Kit asks looking at the other two guitars sitting in my room. I shrug as C stands up.
"Wait. Aren't you the dancer who does music videos with the famous music video director Hawks? And you toured with Selena Gomez right?" Jax asks C. I turn to look at her. This was news to me. C blushes.
"That's me," she says nervously.
"Dude that's so cool! What's it like working with a professional director? And being in a music video? What's Selena like?" Jax asks excitedly.
"Hawks is super cool. Being in music videos is really fun but you get really tired at night shoots. And Selena is like, the nicest person ever. I loved going on tour with her," C replies.
"So do you think Hawks would-"
"Jax, leave the girl alone," Kit says, pulling Jax away from C.
"Wait, so why are you two here?" I ask finally.
"We thought you might be lonely, but I guess not cause you got your gf blondie over here," Jax tells me.
"We're not together!" C and I say exasperatedly in unison. Jax looks at Kit.
"Why can't we be cute like that?"
"Well you two act like it," Kit says, ignoring Jax. C tilts her head to the side.
"Huh. V was right. You and Beckett would be friends," she decides, ignoring Kit.
"Who's Beckett?" Jax asks.
"Oh my god, Jax you have the attention span of a squirrel!" Kit snaps.
"What did I do?" He asks.
"Shush Jax. C'mon blondie, Miles, we're having a double date movie night," Kit decides, turning to go downstairs.
"It's not a date!" I groan.
"Wait, does she even know my name?" C asks, allowing herself to be dragged down to my basement by Kit. I look at Jax.
"I'm just gonna, ya know. Make sure C doesn't get kidnapped by your girl friend."
"And I'm just gonna go, ya know, make sure my girl friend doesn't kidnap C."

Word Count: 759

AN: I'M BAAAAACK! Sorry guys! Wattpad and I were having issues with each other apparently but whatever it's fine🙄. Annnyways, I start my senior year this week!!! So the good news, I'm almost done with high school. The bad news, this book isn't going to be updated as frequently, but don't worry, I still plan on finishing the series, I'm just not going to be able to update everyday. Gl with school everyone!💙💙

Of Pirouettes and Cake Eaters (Book 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin