No Matter Where You Roam

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"You're not in trouble Ms. Morita," Durani says as we walk down the hall and into his office. V let's out a breath of air and I smile down at her shaking my head.
"It's quite the opposite actually. Now you both are obviously aware that being accepted into Juilliard's early admissions program is a huge accomplishment. One that should not be taken lightly," Durani states. V and I nod our heads.
"Now, if I am correct, you both play a huge role in leading Keaton's dance team the Primas, as well as choreographing the winter recital, correct?" Again, V and I nod our heads.
"Well, both of you have been offered a spot this year on an American dance team, The Elites. They'll be traveling the US for performances, competitions, and to train with professional dancers. It would just be this semester, you'd both be back at Keaton for third quarter. You're parents and I all agree that it would be in your best interest to accept this offer in order to prepare yourselves for Juilliard, however it's your decision to make. I understand you have commitments here, but Ms. Helsweel has assured me that no one will suffer from your absences." I stare at Durani before turning to V, then looking back at Durani.
"When would we leave?" I ask.
"This weekend," he replies, face void of any emotion.
"But it's Thursday. That's two days!" V exclaims. Durani only nods his head.
"Like I said, this opportunity is a very serious matter. Two students from the same school being selected for The Elites is unheard of," Durani says.
"How long do we have to make our decision?" I ask.
"End of day," Durani responds. With that I pull V out of his office and into the hall.
"I can't believe mom didn't tell us about this!" V exclaims. I stop in my tracks.
"Did you just refer to my mother as 'mom'?" I ask. V pauses for a moment and blushes.
"Durani just dropped this on us, and that's all you got out of that sentence?" She complains. I shrug with a smirk plastered across my face.
"Someday she actually will be your mom," I respond cheekily. V flushes again and whacks me.
"Beckett this is serious!" She whines. I laugh.
"Ya know, I've been thinking that we should give each other couple nick names. Your thoughts?" I ask, purposely directing the conversation off topic, just to frustrate her.
"Beckett. What are we going to do?" She growls. I sigh and run my hand through my hair in agitation.
"Honestly V? I think we should go." I tell her, holding my breathe as I wait for her reaction.
"I think we should go too," she says quietly. I let out a breath.
"I have no idea how I'm gonna tell C," she says after a moment.
"She'll understand," I assure her.
"Will she though? She already feels left behind Beckett. She thinks I don't notice, but I do," V tells me.
"Hey. Just because you two are apart, doesn't mean your friendship will drift apart too. If you two are really best friends, which you are, a little distance won't be a problem," I reply. V sniffles.
"Wow, I didn't know you were such a good motivational speaker," she says with a laugh.
"It has been known to happen once in awhile. But only for you," I respond.
"We should probably go back and tell Durani that we made our decision," V sighs. I shake my head.
"I can text my mom and have her tell Durani we made a decision. Right now, we need ice cream. It is Thursday you know," I say leading V away from the principal's office. We quickly make the short walk to our usual ice cream shop when V suddenly grabs hold of my wrist, freezing in her tracks.
"Is that C and Miles eating ice cream together, or am I blind?" She asks, a grin starting to spread on her face.
"That is most definitely our dear friend Miles and your best friend," I respond, with a smirk.
"We're going to go into that shop and embarrass them right?" V asks.
"How could we not," I reply as we both immediately make a beeline heading straight for the doors of the ice cream parlor.

Word Count: 708

Of Pirouettes and Cake Eaters (Book 2)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя