Qn4 - Humans this and Humans that!

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Q4 What are your thoughts about the dominant race of this planet?

Camera focusses in on a frowning Forrest as he then smirks, then takes a deep breath.

“What I wasn't told before coming here, was how difficult humans are to get on with. I mean all that omnivorous evolution, hunter gatherer behaviour combined with such fervent genetic subgroup loyalty. Hmmpphh, humans are a very stressed out species.”

Camera shows a short sequence of human leaders arguing over various issues.

“I mean when food is plentiful and the population density quite low, humans can get on with each other reasonably well. As soon as the resource competition starts though, then its every human for themselves, and humans even eat each other during famines!”

Camera shows a montage of riots and plagues and famines. Forrest coughs and sips his tea.

“... and then there’s the human brain chemistry problems. Every species to evolve to a technology using level carries within them all of the adaptations that gave the skills and intelligence to adapt to all environments using their technology. Quite uniquely, the human species has evolved when Earth plants had mastered the bribing of animals to spread their seeds. Not just with fruit and food which is the most common strategy across the galaxy, but with chemicals in the seeds which trigger the pleasure and reward chemistry of the human brain. Such clever plants to manipulate humans that way!”

Camera shows a series of aerial images of coffee, tobacco and opium plantations then jump shots back to Forrest.

“How humans can still indulge in such intoxication while deluding themselves as to the fatal damage such drugs do is beyond sentient contemplation!”

Camera shows a sequence about drug addiction and degenerative brain disorders, then focusses back in on the conversation.

“It never ceases to amaze me how much co-dependent evolution has occurred on Earth. I mean humans can’t seem to get through a day without doping themselves up on some plant based brain modifier and yet still continue on ignoring the damage it does to them. It is a fatal weakness in the human species!”

Camera pans out from Forrest to the city in the north while statistics as to the number of drug related deaths of all causes scroll across the screen.

“Now though, I’ve watched this weakness turn into a poison, as the sly, cruel and degenerate among humans, make artificial drugs that are so powerful that they don’t just alter the brain in the moment of exposure, they alter it permanently and ultimately destroy it and kill the person."

Forrest shakes his head in disgust and for just a moment it appears his human appearance wavers.

"Not even an evolved virus kills its’ host like that. You see that behaviour in unevolved parasites, it is a sign of a very primitive organism. The humans that behave like this have surrendered their sentience and become like lower order animals just seeking their next meal.

It is a very serious state for the human species to be in and will probably destroy it before global warming does!

Such behaviour will definitely keep humans in quarantine! The Level 5 and 6 Civilisations will not countenance any potentially violent species to venture off their planet of origin.”

Forrest grimaces at the camera and strikes an imperious pose.

"It's just not done, old chap!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2014 ⏰

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