Your wings

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"You don't see them?"

Blue tilted her head, obviously confused. "What?"

Silver frowned at his older sister from under his mask. Confused by her startled voice.

"The wings"

For as long as Silver could remember, he had been able to see wings attached to every person's back. Some were great and mighty, bright white feathers creating strong gales of wind. Others were flimsy and weak, barely able to brush you with a small breeze.

At a young age, the red head realized these wings reflected on the person itself. A sort of bat wing with sharp edges and cold claws would be dangerous, only a person with the darkest intentions had those. Ones with strong mighty wings usually had most self confidence, joy radiated out from them.

Silver learned, this applied to emotions as well. If a person was panicking, their appendages would flutter and flap awkwardly. Usually hitting other objects. If a person was joyful, they would hover above the ground with pure enthusiasm, their individual wings flapping behind them. Motions would differ from person to person for, we all react differently in situations.

Silver's gaze began to rest on the powerful dark brown wings of his sister. Short yet sleek, they were definitely built for more stealthy purposes. They quivered nervously on the evolver's back, obviously signaling she was concerned.

"Silver? What do you mean? What wings?" Blue's scared voice came from beneath her mask. She scooted closer and held Silver's face in her hands. "Don't make things up Silver!"

"I'm not!" The red head's hair swished forward as he leaned away. "I actually see wings!"

The girl was silent as she contemplated if it was a lie, her hands lay clasped in her lap. Silver found himself wishing he could see his sister's face, what expression would it hold?

He glared at her twitching wings. Some things he couldn't read by just looking at a human's back, it was much easier if he had a view of their face too.

He wished he could see his own sister's face.

After a long minute, Blue released a sigh as her wings fluttered with a little excitement. "Its been a while since I heard a fairytail, how about you tell me yours?"


It had been a while since Silver had told his sister his secret. He was relieved when Blue actually began to believe in him.

Now? Every time they met a new person, Blue would ask on a status of their wings. To see if they were allie or foe, or just plainly because the girl wanted to know their emotions. Lately, she had been asking Silver to describe his seniors wings. Not like they were that interesting.

"Tell me about Yellow's!" Blue exclaimed as she eyed Red and Yellow's conversation with a mischievous glint.

Silver rolled his head to the side, his ear resting against his shoulder. "They're flapping" the exchanger simply stated as he watched his senior's dove wings fluttering happily on her back.

"Tell me more than that! Details Silver, details!"

Ignoring his sister, the exchanger's cold grey eyes focused on a pair of people behind the ones Blue so desperately nagged him about.

His fellow Johto crew argued in the corner. Crystal's wings were large and blinding white, reflecting whatever light reached it. They framed the catcher almost as an angels would. As for Gold's.....

Silver found his eyes observing the breeder's back. From a person like the playboy, you would expect maybe jet black wings. Constantly shimmering as if freshly dipped in glossy oil. Probably very flaunty and powerful as well.

This was what the red head at first expected.

He was completely wrong.

On the breeder's back was nothing at all. The absense of wings always sent a shiver up the exchanger's spine. He hoped it wasn't a bad omen, nor a prediction of the future.

For the only people he ever saw without wings....

Were already dead.


Hi guys! Sorry for the absence of me😥. Here's a short teaser chapter for the next one (so I don't have to explain everything in the upcoming pages).

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this little hint for the next chapter. Remember, feel free to request!

Bye! See you next time!

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