A Song of Fame! Part 1

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"Wahhhhh!" The fighter clamped his hands over his ears, desperately trying to block out the deadly melody. His eyelids were heavy, drooping lower and lower with every passing moment. The ground looked so appealing.....so comfortable to fall asleep upon......

A last concious thought passed through the boys mind.

"How did things turn out like this?"


Sapphire yawned, her arms stretching up to the cloudless sky. The wild girl's eyes were half closed as she crouched on top of the jagged rock. Her face stared blankly at the Unova prarie, where she had been assigned to work.

It was boring.

Her sea blue irises scanned the fields, looking for a pokemon to battle. Tall clumps of brittle grass were scattered here and there, no movement came from within them.

Sapphire's glazed eyes strayed toward the sky. Not even one flying pokemon was to be seen.

This trainer hated boring.

"Argh!" I cried, running my hands through my hair furiously. "There ain't nothin to do!" I bared my teeth.

It had been a week since I was assigned to study pokemon in this dry wasteland. I could still remember papa's face as he told me to come here.

"Sapphire!" my papa exclaimed with excitement. "Look at these photos of the Unova prarie!"

He bandished them toward where I was sitting on the couch.

My eyes left my pokegear for a second to examine the pictures. "It looks like a bunch'a random dry weeds." I grumbled.

My papa shook his head vigorously and shoved them straight in my face. "Look closer!" He prompted.

I squinted, my 20/20 vision doing its thing. "Is that'a wierd clump'a rocks?" I questioned while scratching my head with confusion.

My dad sweatdropped. "Close enough" he sighed "that wierd clump of rocks" he formed quotation marks with his hands "is a pokemon! Probably a new one too!"

I grinned, that explained the researcher's excitement. For some reason unknown to me, professors always get so worked up when a new species is discovered.

Don't even ask me what happened when professor Oak found out about a new legendary. I shuddered. I still had nightmares about that.

"Sapphire, SAPPHIRE!"

My papa's shout snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Sapphire! I want you to go to Unova to research this pokemon!" He repeated slowly, as if talking to a three year old. Concern and annoyance clear on his face.

I sweatdropped. No use asking how much times he repeated that while I was daydreaming.

The prospect of a new region lifted my spirits. I suddenly grinned. A new adventure! I was up for it!

"Sure thing papa!" I gave him a hug, snatched the plane ticket out of his outstretched hand and bolted out the door.

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