Celebrating Pride month! (Polishipping)

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This chapter is polishipping (Gold×Red) I feel like this ship doesn't get much attention. Plus, if they were actually bi, I could totally see them forming a relantionship.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this oneshot!😊


Red really didn't get it.

They were sitting in a freezing cave on Mount.Silver. There was mold and it was ridiculously stinky with the continuous annoying drip of melting ice present. The wind howled while the outside blizzard Would. Not. Fricken. Stop.

Then why did he feel so happy?

He watched Gold hum while sitting next to the bright fire, rubbing his hands together furiously. "Real blizzard out there huh?"

"W-wha!" I stuttered  "y-eah, yeah" I felt my cheeks heat up with embarrassment.

Gold looked back at me and smiled. His beautiful golden eyes sparkling with amusement.

I stared at him, taking in every detail. Why was I doing this? To be honest, I had no clue.

The breeder suddenly grinned. "You should really come closer to the fire, you're stuttering like crazy." He crawled over to me and grabbed my hand.

My face burned when our fingers touched. Gold looked back to see why I wasn't moving.

"Woah" he exclaimed. "Your face is so red! You sick or something?" The breeder leaned in, his eyes full of warmth and concern.

Gold's cool hand met my forehead. I looked at him, our faces were only a inch apart. I blushed.

After a while, the golden eyed boy yelped. "Ah!" He winced. "Your forehead is so hot! Arceus! Why didn't you say you had a fever!?"

I stared at him before turning my head to the side, realizing what I had been doing. "Ahaha" I managed to spit out "nah, I'm not sick. I'm just red hot, like my name. Y'know?"

I wanted to slap myself as soon I realised what I just said.

Gold looked at me perfectly still and blinked.

"Wahhh!" He yelped as he scrambled backward on all fours. "He's delerious from the fever!"

"A-ah, Gold..." I squeaked in a small voice.

"Ohno, ohno, ohno" the breeder paced around the cave, tearing at his hair. "What helps cold's again!?"

"U-uh, ummm" I muttered as I tried to catch Gold's attention.

"Ack! What will SSG say when she learns I didn't know how to treat the sick champion!?"


The golden eyed boy sighed as he took off his sweater. He walked toward me and put it around my shoulders. I felt his hot breath against my cheek and froze.

"There" he breathed. Gold took my hand once again and dragged me toward the fire with surprising determination.

"Now" He narrowed his eyes. "Which berries help again?"

I opened my mouth and closed it, realizing he wasn't talking to me.

"Was it petra? No. Persim? Nah." Gold gripped his head "arggg! Why can I only think of berries that start with a P!?"

"Umm, Gold? Im not really sic-" I started only to be interrupted.

"Ah-ha!" Gold shouted as he slammed his fist into his palm. "It was burnt and miracle berries!" (those were only used in gen 2, it makes sense since Gold is from Johto, he would know the Johto way of curing colds/Frozen status)

I smiled with amusement. Burnt berries didn't grow in Kanto, neither did miracle berries.

Yet observing him excitedly grasping through my bag brought a smile to my face. I didn't have the heart to tell him I didn't have any Johto berries.

After a while, the breeder yelped. "Oi! What's this?" Gold lifted a small picture, observing it in the fire's light.

My blood ran cold.

"H-hey!" I lept forward, snatching the image from his hands. "Don't look at that! It's not important!" I shouted, maybe a little too harshly.

His golden eyes bored through me, filled with anger and hurt. "What did I do!?" He growled, jabbing his finger into my chest. "I already saw it! For Arceus sake!"

My temper flared like a deadly bonfire. "You shouldn't be looking through other people's stuff!" I hissed, gripping his hand and pulling it away from my chest.

"Tch" Gold whimpered. He fell forward, being dragged by his arm. "I don't get it! What's so important about a picture of me!?" He retorted.

"WHAT'S NOT IMPOR-" I caught myself, my anger vanishing away. Hollow guilt and pure embarrassment replaced it. "-tant about you?" I muttered the last part, too mortified to say more.

Gold tugged away his hand, standing up and rubbing his wrist with his thumb. He glared at me, his normally warm eyes furious slits. "What was that last part?" He spat, his voice laced with anger.

I looked up at him, guilt heavy on my chest. I didn't know wether to be relieved or dissapointed he didn't hear me. "I-I" I fumbled over my words.

"What?" The breeder growled. His left hand still rubbing his right.

The guilt became heavier. "H-hey" I started, reaching toward his wrist. "Is it alrig-"

Gold flinched away from me, a hint of uncertainty and fear in his molten eyes. I saw his hand protectively tighten around his wrist.

I could feel my spirits crash through the floor.

"Gold," I stood up and reached towards him again. "I'm not gonna hurt you"

The black haired boy shivered as I got closer. He visibly flinched when I touched his arm.

Ignoring my drowning feelings, I tugged away his left hand. Observing his wrist, my spirits sank even lower.

His wrist was a screaming scarlet, slightly swollen where my hand had clenched. I didn't think my guilt could get even worse.

I looked up to meet breathtaking metallic eyes. To my furthering downed spirits, they were still filled with mistrust and anger.

I looked away. "Gold, I am so sorr-"

"Why were you pretending to be sick?" Gold muttered. I looked up again, he averted his eyes. "If you didn't pretend, we wouldn't be in this mess."

I opened my mouth and closed it not sure what to say. "I-I, umm, uh, I, um"

The breeder muttered something unaudible before he pulled his wrist away. Grabbing his cue and sweater, he exited the cave into the swirling storm.

My scarlet eyes widened. "Gold!"

The breeder looked back one last time with a forced smile plastered on his face. He raised his hand in farewell. "See ya at the pokedex meeting Red!"

And with that, he disappeared into the blizzard without a trace.

"Wait, Gold...." I muttered. I sank to my knees in the damp, smelly cave and teared at my hair. Why did I do that!? Why was I such an idiot!?

Why did I have to hurt him of all people!?

My emotions were boiling over with regret, guilt and fear. I hated myself with a passion. I was such an idiot!

The entire next hour, I cursed myself while looking up to the entrance of the cave. I hoped for a certain silhouette to reappear.

It never did.


Hello! Here's my celebration of pride month. (Even though I'm straight XD)

Anyways, comment down more requests you want to see!

Next chapter will be for @florafastbunny. Hope to see you next update!

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