Chapter 16 - Deception

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Rey reached across their bond but Ben was out cold. There was no answer.
She had to get out of there. Why would Rulf take him?
This couldn't be happening, not now after she was pregnant and so in love with him, so close to all of their dreams coming true.....
She tried the door not expecting it to be unlocked. The men that had taken Ben must have been distracted by the struggle, because it slid open easily for her.
She had to find Ben. They had to get off of this ship.
She thought about what he had said about finding an escape pod, but that wasn't happening. There was no way she was leaving him here alone.
The sterile white hallways were empty. She followed his scent down the corridor and stopped short when she caught up just as Ben was being dragged into a room on the left. She hid in an alcove until she saw the two men come out.
She approached the door. There was a placard to the left that said, "Handmaiden 3".
Why would they put Ben in there?
She had just enough time to register that thought when the world went dark.
Han and Chewie dropped out of hyperspace.
"Get ready Pal, last time they nearly blew me up."
Han punched the coordinates in to his holopad and sent them to Leia.
Leia opened a Comm.
"Han, wait for us, we're coming on the Finalizer. We have got to get them off of that ship. I will try diplomacy first, then if that fails we will use some aggressive negotiations."
"Yeah, well what if they decide to jump into hyper-space in the meantime?"
"You need to get out of range until we get there."
"Leia, I can disable their hyper-drive. Remember Endor? It's the same type of ship.."
Leia interrupted him.
"No. You almost got killed last time you tried that. Besides, they may have updated the ship.."
"Worried about me, sweetheart?"
He was so smug.
"How long until you arrive?"
"Roughly two hours."
"A lot can happen it two hours..."
He cut the Comm.
"Han, don't you dare..."
If she knew her husband at all, she knew he was going to do something stupid.
Really stupid.
Ben was dreaming.
Even his dreams were consumed with his love for his mate.
"Rey, you feel so good little mate..."
She was straddled on top of him, riding him. She had never done that before, it seemed too aggressive for her. But he wasn't going to stop her, if that's what she needed.
"Yes. Slow down, not so fast my bright star. I want this to last for you."
But Rey only sped up, setting a relentless pace, bringing him quickly.
She pushed down hard onto his knot and stroked the mating glands on his hips.
He cried out her name as he came, hard. "Rey!"
That was so unlike her. Why was she being so aggressive suddenly when she was already pregnant?
He wanted to hold her, soothe her, wrap his arms around her and calm her, but he found he couldn't move his arms.
I need to wake up now. He thought
He opened his eyes.
"Rey, my sweetness.."
He stopped mid-sentence as he realized there was a strange woman looking up at him from his naked chest. She was missing an eye.
His body was still twitching inside hers as his knot kept them tied together.
Shock and horror wouldn't even come close to describing how he felt. What had happened? How had he mated this stranger in his sleep?
"No! No... Get off of me! Please!"
He struggled, trying to get away, but his hands were tied over his head and her body was pinning him inside her, his knot making it impossible to separate.
He scrambled back, pushed her shoulders away, but he couldn't get out from under her.
He had an imprint to his mate, this was repulsive. He willed his knot to subside, but his body wasn't cooperating.
He gagged in revulsion, revulsion at this woman, revulsion at himself, as tears rolled down his face. This was all wrong. So wrong.
Then he remembered being taken from the suite. Where was Rey?
"Where's My Mate? How did this even happen? I was knocked out for Kriff's sake..."
He closed his hand around her throat.
"I'm sorry. Please don't panic."
She clawed at his hand futilely.
"They injected you with a drug that keeps you under until you release, then it somehow keeps you knotted. It's too late now to do anything about this. I really am sorry. They'll just keep making me do this until I get pregnant."
It was then that he noticed her mating glands. She was in heat.
"Who will keep making you?" He growled.
"Rulf. He killed my destined mate and now I'm in his breeding program. I don't want this either, but he makes me. I'm a prisoner here, one of his handmaidens. He'll hurt me if I refuse." She motioned to her missing eye.
Tears streamed down her face as she remembered the torture she had been forced to endure. As if mating unwilling males every heat weren't enough.
He let go of her.
"What is your name?"
"Janine, I'm going to kill him and when I do, you will be free."
He spat the words out. His rage was rising now.
"But he's immortal..."
"Not today."
Rulf. Rey's father or not, was going to die, one way or another. He would find a way.
How dare he do this to him, do this to any woman, to Rey....
Why couldn't he reach her? Had she felt this, known that he mated someone else? No. Please, no.... she would be devastated and the babies.... were they safe?
The thought of Rey's pain and his babies in danger sent him over the edge.
Yes, Rulf was going to die, sooner rather than later.
His rage rose higher and in his unbridled fury, he shifted into wolf form, which freed him from the strange woman's body.
He howled out in his rage, his vision turning red as one thought consumed him.
The entire room vibrated as he realized he could still use the force, even in wolf form.
The door flew off of it's hinges and Kylo Ren, the Supreme Leader of the known universe, bolted out into the corridor with dark power swirling all around him in the form of an enormous black wolf.
He reached for Rey.
Still nothing.
His terror at her silence only fueled his rage more. This was going to end now, all of it.
Rey woke up in the cage again.
She remembered him being dragged into a room. She reached for him with her mind, but he must still be out because there was no answer.
A few moments later, Rulf entered the lab.
"You! How dare you do this! Separating me from my mate again and in the middle of my heat and he in his rut. Where is my Mate?"
The bars on the cage rattled, unbeknownst to her, her anger was flaring out into the force.
"Rey, please calm down. Your mate is fine. I only want to talk with you."
"Yeah, well normal people wait until the other person's heat is over, not tranq their mate and drag them off somewhere."
"I do apologize. I think we have some important news to share, yes?"
"What are you talking about?"
"You're pregnant with at least twins, maybe quads."
"That is really none of your concern."
"Oh, but it is my dear. You see you are indeed my daughter and not only that, I recently learned that you and your mate are both Omni. So this does concern me greatly."
"Yes, it's extremely rare. You can shift between all the forms of Lycan, Hybrid, and Human at will. You will be very powerful once you learn how to control it, as will my grandchildren be. You will be stronger than me. The pack needs more Omni's. It is of the utmost importance that we strengthen our bloodlines, by any means necessary."
She could see the obsession now, his expression changing as he spoke of his precious bloodlines. This was a man that had slowly gone insane at the lack of having his own mate.
"How do you know this?"
"It's amazing what a blood sample can tell you."
"Really? Well, most people ask permission first."
"I'm sorry you are upset my dear, but what you have to understand is that the pack comes first above all else. When you are Luna one day, you will understand this."
"Ha! I don't want anything to do with you or your pack. Let me out of this Kriffing cage! How dare you hold us here!"
The bars rattled again as her anger grew and she paced back and forth looking more and more like the wolf with each passing moment.
"Calm down Rey, it's not good for my grandchildren. You could kill the babies if you shift while your pregnant. If you can't grow them safely inside your womb, I'll find somebody else who can."
"Now I know why my mother ran from you - you're deranged!"
Rulf looked a little sad as he turned and left the room, leaving her alone again.
He had others to attend to right now, half the females on the ship had gone into heat since she had arrived onboard, her stronger pheromones had stimulated the lesser female's cycles. This was another sign that she was the true Luna. The handmaidens were his primary concern. He hoped to mate Emperor Ren with a few more of them, before his rut ended and the drug would be rendered useless on him. With Rey already pregnant, there wasn't much time left, a day maybe two. He opened a Comm,
"Lydia, prepare the next handmaiden for Ren."
"Yes, Alpha."
More Omni's. That is what the pack needs. It might cost him Rey, but nothing was more important than this. She would come around to the idea in time. He smiled to himself, well pleased.
Rey sat down on the cot in her cage. She felt more emotional than normal. Here she was again in this cage, wanting to cry.
Finally she heard Ben.
"Little Mate, Where are you?"
His thoughts were simple, violent, full of the need to kill, was he the wolf?
"I'm in the cage again. We've got to leave. Ben hurry!"
Her fear only heightened his blood-lust.
"I'm coming for you."
No one would treat his mate this way, no one. Rulf was not going to be alive much longer.
Han lay down inside the Millineum Falcon's escape pod.
Chewie was still protesting, even as he sealed the coffin-like pod shut.
"Chewie, just wait for the Finalizer, I'll be fine."
Even as he reassured the Wookiee, he knew he might not be coming back.  Entering the garbage discharge port was risky at best, that is if they didn't notice him and shoot him down first.
Then there were all of the unknowns to deal with. This ship was thirty years old at least. Had it been upgraded or modified from the original? Would he be able to disable the hyper-drive like he had done so many years ago?
He didn't know. But he knew he had to try. His only son was on that ship and eventhough they hadn't been close, he was not going to let anything happen to him. Leia would never forgive him if he did.
Chewie flipped the switch and the pod descended out into space.

The Lycan in You and I ( A Reylo Romance )Where stories live. Discover now