Chapter 10 - Always Something

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Ben was unconscious. Phasma picked him up and rucked him all the way to the shuttle bay. The route was clear. She could alter the security footage later if need be.

Rey called to him across their bond. He didn't answer.

Was he dying?
She couldn't even think about that...not after they had when she....needed him..

She held his hand as Phasma carried him. Leia held her other hand.

Phasma layed him out on the shuttle quarters bed. A Med-Droid scurried around him, taking samples, removing the knife, cauterizing and stitching his wound.

It droned out its diagnosis in a robotic voice.

"Poison detected, Synox. Administering antidote, now"

"Synox! How is he still alive!" Rey covered her mouth, shocked. Synox was always fatal. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't wrap her mind around it..

"Captain Phasma, we need to leave now. Your loyalty will be rewarded."

She inclined her head to Leia and exited the shuttle.

"Rey, we've planned for poison. He's going to be fine, I promise. Right now, I need you to pilot us off of this ship. Can you do that?"


"Hurry please, we've got to go, now."

Leia looked down at her son. He was shivering and sweating, with fever.

That had never happened before...she thought. She kissed his forehead.

"I think maybe you were right. Hux needs to die."

"How's he doing? I can't reach his mind." Rey sounded panicked.

"He's holding his own. As soon as we get into hyper-space I'll explain everything."

Rey punched the launch sequence and engaged the auto-pilot course that Ben had laid in earlier.

"Can you disable the transponder? We don't want anyone to know where we are going."

"Yes, give me a moment." The ship jumped to hyper-space, she found the transponder switch and turned it off.

Leia picked up a Holo Pad and sent a message. She needed to take control of the previous turn of events.

"General Armitage Hux was incarcerated today for committing a treasonous act during a duel with the Supreme Leader. "This act of cowardice will not be tolerated,"stated Councilwoman Solo.

The Emperor and his betrothed, The Lady Rey have left on their engagement tour. A tribunal will be scheduled upon their return. The wedding is scheduled for next month at the High Palace on Coruscant."

She sent that to the Council and the General Information Agency.

Then she sent her own message to Councilwoman Holdo:

"Amilyn, in case you didn't notice, Hux stabbed my son with a poisoned dagger today. It was Synox. He also admitted to being responsible for an attack on Lady Rey this morning in his quarters.

When Lady Rey spoke at the duel, I saw another trying to move on us. It was a hooded figure, I couldn't make out much more than that. Increase security for the Council and put extra security on on Hux. Make sure some of our own people are present. I sense something much larger at work here. I will contact you when I can. L.O.S.

Now that they were in hyper-space, Rey ran to Ben.

"Please wake up. Ner Vod" (My Mate) she was sobbing uncontrollably now, her head on his chest.

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