Chapter 2 - Leia's Chat

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Leia Organa Solo called ahead to the Supremacy.
"We have the girl. We had to sedate her. Assemble the team so they are ready upon our arrival. Let's not notify my son just yet, she is going to require some preparation before they meet for the first time."
Leia's ship docked inside the Supremacy's hangar. The team was ready. They placed Rey on a floating gurney and took her to the infirmary to examine her.
Leia stayed with her, making sure that the girl was attended to properly. She didn't want her to wake up while she was being examined and try to run away. Of course, she wouldn't get very far since they were on a ship, but still she didn't want to take any chances. This girl held the key to securing the bloodline and providing hope for billions of Humanoids across the Galaxy.
The doctor came out with the medical report. She handed it to Leia. "She's in decent health. Very strong, lots of muscle tone, she must have had a difficult life before, as she is a bit malnourished. She will need some supplementation to her diet.
No diseases detected. She has strong DNA. She is 99.9 % DNA compatible with your son.
She appears to be roughly twenty years old.
Her reproductive organs are functional, although she has never had a heat and she is still a maiden. As long as we can get her some better nutrition, conception should not be a problem for her. She has been inoculated against the usual viruses and we injected her with a vitamin and mineral supplement to bring her to optimum health as quickly as possible."
"Thank you doctor, I'll take it from here."
She looked down at Rey and smiled. Perfect, she thought.
She addressed the team that was waiting.
"I'm amending the rules we discussed earlier. She is to be kept away from the proximity of any males on this ship, except for the Supreme Leader himself. That means the hallways must be cleared when she is enroute throughout the ship and it also means that the male members of this team are dismissed as of right now. Any items going to her that have been handled by males, must be replaced immediately."
"We are taking her to the Supreme Leader's Suite, clear the route, grooming team follow me, wardrobe team, bring her clothing to the Suite, Chef, have a woman prepare and deliver her food, check the menu with the doctor's nutritional requirements. We need to move quickly, she will be waking up soon."
The route to the suite had been cleared and the grooming team went to work on washing her body as best they could. It was difficult to get all of the sand out of her hair.
They waxed her eyebrows and combed out her hair, brushed her teeth, applied moisturizer, manicured her nails and toenails but did not apply any colors as per Leia's instructions. Her clothing was filthy and had been discarded.
"Just put her on his bed please. You are dismissed."
The wardrobe team had not arrived yet, there was a complication with her clothing, a male had sewn them, his scent was all over the clothes. A female would have to re-make the wardrobe.
In the meantime she had nothing to wear. They were hurriedly sewing her a robe and a sheath dress. They would stay up all night preparing the rest of her clothes.
It was so important at this stage to ensure that the only male scent would be Kylo's. With the newly acquired information from the doctor that Rey was indeed a maiden that hadn't presented a heat yet, there was an opportunity for Rey to form a biological bond with him, an imprinting of sorts.
Even if she hated him, this bond would make it impossible for her to want to mate with anyone else. That was the worst-case scenario.
The best case scenario was that it would help her to fall in love with him. It was a complex biological process involving the scent glands and pheromones and hormones that only occurred just before the first heat cycle.
Leia hoped that her daughter-in-law could grow to love her son.
There would be only his scent until she presented and the pheromones could help move her along into a heat.
Her laying on his bed, immersed in his scent was a promising first step. She was a perfect blank canvas for her son. She could be molded into whatever he needed her to be. I hope so she thought.
Leia's Comm buzzed. She stepped out into the hallway to take the call.
Rey isn't sure how she got where she is now. Was she on a ship? Where were her clothes!? She looked around warily and found she was in a large round bed stark naked.
It smelled like it belonged to an Alpha male.
Was she dreaming again? It looked just like the bed from her dream.
She rubbed her face on the pillow and inhaled deeply. It smelled like her dream. It was such a good smell, woodsy and musky and sweet, she had forgotten about that part.....
What was she doing rolling around in this scent when she didn't even know where she was! She pulled the sheet up around her. The room was dark, there appeared to be no one there.
"Hello?" She stepped out of the bed toward the door when it opened.
Leia walked in.
"You!" It all came flooding back to her. This was no dream, more like her worst nightmare. She had been chased by four storm troopers, then everything went dark. They must have tranq'ed her.
"Where am I? How dare you drug me and take me from my home!"
"Rey, please. I know this is difficult. Please sit down and hear me out. You can't go anywhere without clothes. They are bringing some for you in a few minutes. Hear me out and if you don't want to stay after I've told you everything, I will take you back myself."
"You had better be telling the truth about that because, I can't think of a single thing that you could tell me that would make me want to stay here. Besides, my family might be coming back for me, that's why I have to stay on Jakku."
"First of all Rey, how are you feeling? I'm sorry we had to put you to sleep, and I'm sorry we had to disrupt your life in such a way. I think though, that you might find out one day that it's a good thing, but please listen to what I have to say mfirst before you make any judgements on that. "Tell me about your life on Jakku."
"I feel fine. There's really not much to tell. I was left there by my parents when I was very young, sold to Unkar Plutt as a scavenger. (Her voice was hard, she was clipping her sentences to show she was not being friendly). I scavenge ship parts and in return I earn portions to eat. It's hot and it's dirty and there's not much water, but I made my own home there and survived without a pack. I still think my parents might come back one day to get me, that's why I stay."
"It sounds like a hard life. It must be lonely for you without a pack. I don't think I could have done what you do, all alone, if I were in your place. I admire your tenacity and strength." She smiled at her.
"I'm sure you are anxious to know why I have brought you here. We are both human Rey. Our species is on the verge of extinction. I am on the High Council and the Supreme Leader is my son. I also hold the Governership of Birren and am a Princess from houses on Alderaan and Naboo. That's really beside the point though. We recently learned that the fertility rate for humans has crashed again, much like it had generations ago when people received the Lycan DNA shots, which was before my time and yours. Currently our fertility rate stands at a mere four percent. We are working on a drug, but it has as of yet been untested. This information is about to be released to the rest of the Galaxy.
"What does any of that have to do with me?"
"Did you know that my son is an Alpha?"
"Yes, I can tell by his scent if this is his bed."
"Yes, and as you may know, Alphas are becoming extremely rare. It is very difficult for an Alpha to find a compatible mate, they actually cannot produce offspring unless certain DNA markers are present in the mate. A short while ago Unkar Plutt sent me your blood sample. Actually, we tested every humanoid female from every known planet in order to find a mate for my son, over 1 billion women in fact. We found someone that was compatible. Only one person out of a billion. That person is you."
Rey let that sink in. Why her?
"I'm sorry, I'm just not ready for a marriage.  I'm just a scavenger...I've never... uh. There weren't many males on Jakku...she was stuttering, tripping over her words..
"Rey, that's a good thing." She reached out and put her hand over Rey's patting it to ease her discomfort. She gave her hand a little squeeze.
"Let me explain to you why you are so important. When we release the news, humanoids across the Galaxy are going to panic. They are going to be looking to the First Order for a solution, they are going to be looking to my son for a solution. If he marries you and you conceive, it would be the greatest sign of hope for all of human-kind. You would be an Empress and a Princess twice over and your children would be as well. You could make your own pack. You would never have to be alone again."
Rey nodded. A family, a pack was all she had ever wanted. She was softening to the idea.
"My son needs you. He has been alone for far too long. It has taken a toll on him. I know you could help him in so many ways, I see so much light in you."
Rey blushed, no one had ever paid her such a compliment.
"I don't want you to decide anything right now. This decision could change the course of human history. I want you to think on it for a few days before you decide. In the meantime, this is the Emperor's Suite and for your stay here, it is yours. Please make yourself at home. There is a fresher with a water shower there and there are two adjoining bedrooms down the hall. I will be staying in one of them."
"Uh. Princess Leia.."
"No no, just call me Leia.."
"Leia, when would I be meeting your son?"
"As soon as you feel ready sweetheart. Ah look, your clothes and dinner are here...shall we?"
"If you don't mind, I'd like to shower first. It's been such a long time since I've been able to bathe with real water."
"Certainly, I'll help you dress after."
"Thank you Leia." She wondered why she would need help dressing.

Kylo Ren was having a bad day. This morning's Council Meeting had him tied in knots. He had agreed because of what the force had shown him when he had meditated, but now he was having second thoughts. A wife? Children? The idea seemed foreign. He had been alone for so long now, he had gotten used to it. What would he be giving up if he got married? His occasional romps with Phasma? He was always compromising something as Supreme Leader. He had grown tired of it. There were too many unknowns and he didn't like it. Then again he could do as he pleased. Who would stop him?
He headed down to the training room to work out. The physical exertion would help him clear his mind. Just when he had worked up a sweat, his Comm beeped.
"What is it?"
It was his mother.
"Ben, I just wanted to let you know the girl is here. We're dining in your quarters. She's not ready to meet you yet but...."
He cut the Comm and toweled off. He headed to his quarters full of fury.
They hadn't even waited a day to bring her. It felt like too much, it felt like pressure. He was being forced. Him, the Supreme Leader of the Galaxy....How dare they! His emotions were all over the place and he was angry, so angry.
He stormed into his quarters full of fury "Mother, I....."
The air went out of his lungs. His heart skipped a beat. His mouth stopped working, as did his brain.
Leia gasped.
Rey had just stepped out of the shower and Leia had been helping her get dressed. She was standing there in nothing but a towel, her skin pink from the warmth of the water and her hair wet, her sweet scent wafting past him out of the open door. 
She froze and met his hungry eyes. He was the man from her dream.
Time had stopped, she was sure of it. She couldn't move or think.
It was Leia that snapped them back to reality.
"Ben either come in or go out, close the door!"
He wanted to come in, but he knew he should to go out.
He stepped out, but he couldn't take his eyes off of her. The door closed in his face. He crumpled down in the hallway and closed his eyes, still reveling in her scent.
This was the girl.....the girl from his dream... Yes, she would be his
His next thought was that he had left the door open for too long and anyone walking by would be able to smell her. He jumped up and scanned the corridors. There was no one around. Thank the Stars! The idea of anyone else being near her seemed wrong. What was he doing sitting out here in the corridor? He stepped close to the door but did not open it.
"Mother, may I come in?"
Instead Leia came out.
"Ben, she's not dressed yet, no you may not come in."
"Well, have you dined yet?"
"No, we haven't, but you need to shower and I'm not sure she's ready yet. This is all very new to her. I only took her from Jakku this morning."
"She was on Jakku?"
"How did you convince her to come here?"
"Uh, well she's a feisty one. It took four storm troopers a while to catch her and then we had to sedate her."
"You sedated my future bride and let storm troopers touch her body?"
He was yelling. The idea of that enraged him.
"No one should be touching her."
"Ben, Shh. She'll hear you. Like I said this is all very new. I only just got her to agree to stay for a few days. I don't think she's ready yet."
"Could you not smell her? She's ready."
"Ben, clearly I am not male, so no, I can't tell that much from her scent."
With that the door opened.
"Um, Kylo, would you like to join me and your mother for dinner?"
"You can call me Ben...."

The Lycan in You and I ( A Reylo Romance )Where stories live. Discover now