Chapter 9 - The Duel

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They had arrived.

The training Hall was not the regular training room. It consisted of a training floor with a large upper gallery with seating for spectators. Duels and challenges were held here and sometimes exhibitions.

There was a box for the Emperor on the lowest platform.

He escorted Rey to his throne inside the box and Leia sat down beside her. Phasma stood at their backs.

He kissed Rey's cheek and whispered to her:

"I love you. Remember at 1500 we are on the shuttle no matter what. Captain Phasma will get you there if anything goes wrong."

She spoke to his mind;

"Goes wrong? What could go wrong?"

"I don't know, Hux is a snake. He really needs to die."

"Good luck My Lord."

She smiled up at him. She was already playing her part.

He kissed her hand and said:

"Thank you My Lady."

He stepped down to prepare himself. Hux was on the other end of the floor, just below the High Council's box, looking nervous.

The gallery was full and the entire council was there. There were more than a few people there that wanted to see Hux get what was coming to him. He strode to the center of the floor, his light sabre held loosely in his hand.

"Before we begin, I would like to introduce my betrothed, The Lady Rey."

All eyes turned to her. She nodded her head. The crowd murmured.

"I will be dueling General Hux today because he had initiated an indirect challenge through his disrespect toward my future Empress. It will not be tolerated."

"General Hux, Before we begin, is there anything you would like to say?"

"No Supreme Leader."

Of course not, he thought. He could get out of this by apologizing to Rey publicly, but no. He was too arrogant and defiant.

"Then let us begin."

He stood in the center of the floor, relaxed and confident.

Hux ran at him with his yellow light sabre raised and Ben easily stepped out of his way as Hux tripped and fell. He stood waiting for him to get back up with a smirk on his face.

The crowd laughed.

Hux picked himself up and came at him again. This time he blocked him and parried with him, just to make it look good. He flourished his sabre in between strikes. This was child's play.

Hux was starting to sweat.

"I don't want to hurt you Hux, you know what you need to do."

They were circling each other.

Rey thought it looked like they were dancing.

"Ha. never! I'm not apologizing to that Omega bitch."

Now he was getting angry. Maybe he did want to hurt him....

His expression grew wild as he stepped back and went into his battle stance, his ferile eyes looking straight down his crackling red sabre at Hux. Hux had been fighting with the basic forms. Ben had learned those when he was a child.

How dare he refer to her as a bitch! He was never going to do be able to do that again. Maybe he should relieve him of his tongue......

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