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You see there's M N And O
But little do we know.
O is suffering from depression,
M likes asking questions,
And N wants every boy to know that she's the best they'll ever have.
And yes their all girls.
But I've degraded them down to letters,
Just like husbands degrade their wife's to body parts,
And slowly chip away at their hearts
M seems strong but her spine broken,
Just like O's heart.
And no boy shattered their heart.
They did that to themselves.
They're all broken but funny how together their pieces fit perfectly.
N is scared of everything and every thought. Influenced by anything, she is still scared.
But O, O has felt all this pain.
She knows what it is like to loose and gain,
On the topic of gain, she is also self conscious about her body.
Hates her life and the vessel she was given.
But you see she's Catholic and is thankful for her life.
But L came into her life,
And showed O that she's not the only one fighting this fight.
Told her it's okay.
Made her feel again.
L, M, N and O the best of friends, all broken but together make a whole.


.18 M, N, and O

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