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You need the cracks for the light to shine through.

Dear Depression,
Today I will beat you,
And the next day,
And the next day,
And the day after that.
Until one day I am so raw and weak to the bone that I can no longer raise my fists and hit you in the face.
Until the day I declare that the battle is over,
But only when I say so, will you win.
You have isolated me from my loved ones,
My foes,
And my acquaintances.
But, just because you were able to do that,
Do not think, for one moment, you can do more.
You have become a part of me for so long,
That when you're gone, I miss you.
I miss the rawness that you pour over me.
Knowing that the rest of the world is fake.
I miss the way you make me think,
How you twist my thoughts.
I miss the need to feel emotion,
Because without you I can feel no other emotion,
Only depression.
But today I will beat you,
You may rob me of my happiness like a leech,
But today you will not win.
Today I will not fall.


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