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This is a poem for the broken hearted,
For when we've undone what we've started,
Oh mirror on the wall...
Please tell her the truth, when will be her last fall?
She broke a heart again,
And with that comes her pain,
Forgive her not for she has done it again...
Under her eyes lies one million cries
Of pain and emotions,
Tears that drip from under her chin,
Onto a ground laid with sin,

"I can't love the man who loves me best,
The man I love doesn't know how to love me,
And the man who can love me better than them all, hates me...
All because I can't love myself..."
She whispered in her mind...
As her tears would dry...

So we celebrate a day
To forget the real pain,
Chocolate boxes and roses just to fill an empty heart,
But, even then a white rose has a black shadow...
A day to for get our troubles and shame,
Not realizing that it will boil up the in some other way...

So as her tears may dry up,
Unlike her shattered heart,
Those cracks don't fade away...
Love that was once true,
But her ears can still remember words "I love you"
Oh, the truth told from a mother to a baby,
Is now just a lie told by any lady...

A cry of heartbreak,
As her knees hit the ground,
Her heavy heart keeping her down,
As she remembers the pain,
From what was once a valentines day,
Giggles and Laughs,
That faded away...
So we are still searching for that feeling,
Some one who will show us meaning,
All to hold a hand on a Valentines day....

-c•l•c. .18

all because i cannot love myself.

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