Chapter Seven

142 18 4

Morgana's POV




Suddenly, I snapped myself out of my daydream as Gwen's voice echoed through my head.

I glanced over at my anxious maidservant. "Sorry Gwen" I replied, my voice was barely louder than a whisper.

She gave me pitying look "Morgana, you're really starting to worry me! Just tell me what happened...Please"

"I wish I could Gwen, but how can I when I don't even know what happened myself?" Thoughts engulfed my mind.

"It isn't important anyway" I muttered, in a slightly annoyed tone.

Nobody can know about this, if Uther found out about my dreams, he'd have my head faster than I could say magic.

"You fainted! of course it's important" she exclaimed.

"Gwen, you know I tell you everything, but please understand that this is something I'd rather not talk about..." trailed off.

"As you wish my lady" Gwen replied, looking slightly upset. Which filled the room with an air of awkwardness, only to be  interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Lady Morgana, the king requests your presence in the council chambers" The knight announced swiftly, before leaving the room.


I took my seat, towards the left hand side of Uther. All eyes were on us, the royal family of Camelot, King Uther Pendragon is by no means a saint, but I owe him everything, he took me in as his own, treated me like a daughter and well now I am his ward, his most trusted advisor.

My eyes drifted around the room, I saw Gaius and Gwen among a crowd of noblewomen and knights, Merlin captured my gaze, his blue eyes full of worry.

"Members of the royal court, this audience has here by begun" Uther announced articulately.

At that moment, The vast wooden doors opened, and the mysterious man from my dreams was lead inside. I could start to feel my lightheadedness.

Stop it Morgana! You must not faint again, otherwise they will know! conceal don't feel. Don't let it show.

"Present yourself" Uther's monotone voice flowed throughout the entire council chambers.

The man knelt down with balance and grace,"Your highness, my name is Prince Loki, son of Odin" he uttered in a smooth voice. I gathered enough courage to draw my eyes towards him.

There is no mistake, it was him, it was really him, alive and in the flesh. He raised his green eyes towards mine, and held my gaze for what seemed like an eternity, which Uther's voice eventually broke.

"Ah Odin? So you are if noble blood! In that case you may stay in Camelot for as long as you desire" Uther said cheerfully.

Loki looked up, "Thank you ever so much, you truly are a magnificent king"

Uther has always responded well to flattery.Typical. I lost myself in a daydream instead of listening to Uther's pointless ramblings. Although soon I drifted back into reality.

"Answer me this, how ever did you end up at the brink of death in the middle of the woods?" Uther asked curiously.

"That is one question, I cannot answer your highness, unfortunately I have no recollection of it whatsoever" Loki answered, his face full of mixed emotions.

"Well, on a lighter note, I would like to announce a banquet in welcome of our new royal guest!" Uther bellowed, as the council meeting was drawn to a close.

I made my way back to my chambers knowing that, Prince Loki was certain to make an appearance in my dreams tonight.



I've hit 150 reads! Thank you to everyone that's read this fic/commented/voted and please continue<3 I hope you're all enjoying it & I'll update asap.

stay fabulous x x x

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