Chapter two

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Loki's POV

"MERLIN! where the hell are you"?

an unfamiliar voice bellowed.

where am I?

"Arthur!" "I found someone"

"Merlin, you idiot what are you talking about?"

I realised, whoever they were, they had found me.

I opened my eyes slowly, to see what looked like a male mortal, he was dressed in a brown coat and had a red piece of material wrapped around his neck, his blue eyes glittered with concern.

"Are you okay?" He asked curiously.

of course I wasn't! I tried to speak.

"where am I?"

"Camelot" he said hurriedly before he turned around to look at his friend.

The second mortal was tall and muscular, covered in silver armour.He had crystal blue eyes and mussy blond hair. Tears crept into my eyes, he reminded me so much of Thor. The mortal started to speak.

"I am prince Arthur of Camelot, who are you?"

I was about to open my mouth, and then came nothing.

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