2 - Home alone

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 "Hey Kim" I said in a monotone voice, "Hey gurll, what's wrong?" she replied, I kinda felt bad for talking to her in that way, "I'm home alone wanna come over?" "sure I'll do anything for you even if it meant travelling to the moon using my car" I started chuckling "oh you really know how to change my mood" and the last thing she said was "I'll be here in thirty, bye." I decided on taking a long shower to ease of the pain and when I was done I did my daily routine of removing all my make-up and wearing yoga pants and a Ramones crop top. 

After kim arrvied she burst through the doors and gave me a huge hug and she started saying "i'm really sorry you had to spend your birthday this way", and just in time she got a back from behind her back which had all kinds of candy, chipes, and drinks and I could not help but notice I was smiling from ear to ear. So we decided to watch a movie after debating we chose 21 Jump Street, and ended up fighting which was hotter Dave Franco or Channing Tatum, all I could say was "Dave and Channing are not even on the same scale Channing is way hotter. Anyhow come on let us go make some cupcakes." After gathering all the ingredients we needed we let some Arctic Monkeys blast through the speakers. We started mixing and not after 5 minutes I feel a cold dubstance running down my back I turn around to find kim clenching her stomach from laughter, and so I grabbed the nearest item I could find which was an egg and i cracked it open on her head, we kept throwing food until we ran out of cupcake batter and all the ingredients we needed to make cupcakes, after two hours in the kitchen there was no cupcakes but there was a spotless kitchen. We decided to play another movie before heading ot bed, we started playing a new movie, until the door bell rung twice in a row I went to open the door thinking it was one of my friends thinking they are the only rude people I know and so I opened the door only to find a man wearing a policeman uniform, I called Kim which was shocked as ever and all she could say is "What's wrong?" 



SO SO SO SORRY for the short chapter 

wanna leave with a cliffhanger

BTW nobody is dead Yet 


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