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💜Zara Mathew's P.O.V.💜

My body shivers with delight as the gusty wind speeds up and flips my silky hair in all different directions making it knotted. Although I love the cold fall air I must say it's nearing winter and I dreaded it. It now being November I am walking to the gruesome school building.

Pulling my jacket firmer to my body I look over my shoulder to see my older brother Daniel following me to the school building like each and every day. Daniel has always been a protective brother even though he is definitely a party guy himself. Danny became this way with me ever since he first got with his girlfriend, of course like any relationship she broke his heart.

He was such a crybaby that it got to the point where he wouldn't even leave his bed to pee or shower. So like the good sister I am, I forced his ass out of bed and told him to get his shit together.

Anyway, now that he knows what heartbreak feels like he walks me to and from school every day to make sure that no boy is going to break my heart. Or so he says really I know he just doesn't want me to have a boyfriend because he will get torn apart at our family get-togethers for being single.

I am broke out of my gaze when Daniel places a hand on my shoulder turning me around and hugging me. This sadly indicates that I am at the repugnant school building. Once our quick hug is finished Danny says a quick bye and makes his way back to our house so he can get ready for work.

A bell rings throughout the area indicating that we have five minutes until our classes start so like any day I speed walk into the building and over to my locker. After passing all of the graffiti lockers I find mine and punch in the code before grabbing my books and slamming it shut.

I make my way around all of the different classes of people and all of the paper on the floor. Yes, this school is very run down but it's a free public school so what better can you get. I don't understand why people pay money to go to school I mean I don't even want to be here so why pay money to go to a nice one.

Once I finally make it through all of the obstacles in the hall I enter the big blue door and look for my one and only best friend. While I scan the room someone waving catches my eye. It's, of course, my beautiful blond hair, green-eyed friend.

"Hey girl, get your fine ass over here I saved you a seat," Nina shouts earning glares from our fellow classmates. Respecting her wishes I take a seat next to her and talk about all of the drama in our lives while everyone cautiously watches us in the corner of their eyes. Yes, people in this school fear us all except one that is, of course, the girl every school has the plastic barbie bitch.

While everyone fears Nina for her brother, I am feared because I am best friends with the town's delinquent's sister, mouthful ain't it. As for the barbie bitch, she was his go-to hook up before he got locked up so she thinks they are dating or whatever I couldn't give two shits. I just find it funny how she cheated on her boyfriend and he is still oblivious to the whole thing. Then again they must have an open relationship because I caught him snogging a few girls and he gives me this weird look every time I walk by.

"Babes I'm so excited my brother's bail ends in a few days I don't exactly know when but we are surely throwing him a party." A smile instantly appears on my face when the word party enters my ears. No, I am not a shy innocent girl although my family thinks so, I am the party girl that likes to drink and forget everything.

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